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Sorry for the short chapter, this is a bit of a filler and introduction to some of the characters. Please leave feedback/comments, really love to read them xx


I stared at the circle of familiar and unfamiliar faces that was beginning to form. I was very dumbfounded right now, everyone just came in all of a sudden with no warning. It was just BOOM; here's a group hot guys that will spontaneously bust in after you just finished kicking ass.

I could see Harry having a small, mental break down at the corner of my eye, I had a feeling this was just like the Louis case. People Harry didn't want to confront or having anything to do with but he knew he was going to have to deal with it either way.

Nick's eager voice seemed to drag me out of my small little rant, I blinked and stood up a bit more straight as he was pulling me towards the group of guys. "These guys will be helping us with our mission. We'll get more into that later but I'll let them introduce themselves first. This is Elliot everyone!" He quickly spoke the part about them helping with the missions, I rolled my eyes, of course Nick would do something like this. The more the merrier, right?

I stood in front of all of them, they all got in a line next to each other and soon after, introductions began.

I looked at the first guy, his hair was blonde, like bleach blonde. I could tell he died it since it was an unnatural shade of white, he seemed to have ear gauges and a brow piercing. He over all looked badass. "My names Michael, it's nice to meet you. I'm pretty good at breaking in you know, picking at locks, stuff like that."

The second guy seemed to be Asian, though I wasn't sure. He had bold brows, and a wide nose. Overall looked like an average dude. "Uh, my names Calum. I'm not Asian and I do a bit of stealing, though I prefer to call it borrowing." I chuckled, earning a smug smile from him.

I moved on to the third one, he seems a bit laid back, his blonde-brown hair was a tad messy and he had a 5 o'clock shadow going on. His eyes were blue but not as much as the guy next to him.
"I'm Luke, I'm pretty good at breaking shit." I giggled and scrunched my nose, it was small habit I had when I giggled. It was unintentional, I didn't really like to giggle, it was just the inner pre schooler inside of me.

Calum elbowed his side which then Luke hit the back of his head "It's not my fault I'm good with chicks, don't be jealous."

My eyes landed on the blonde guy next to him, the first thing that caught my eyes were his blue eyes which were absolutely mesmerizing. They were literally the color of the ocean, the clear blue ones. He had a bit of scruff going on but nothing to extreme. You could also see a bit of his brown roots which seemed to be growing in. He had a cute little butt chin as well. "The names Niall, pleasure to meet ya!" The Irish accent was prominent with him, making it a tad hard to understand. He stretched his hand out and I gladly took it. I assumed we were going to give to shake hands but instead he pulled me in and gave me a hug, taking me by surprise. "I'm an agent so I'm open to do anything really." I smiled at him, he seemed like a really nice guy. I like him.

"Niall, will you let the poor girl live, you're suffocating her." Niall unwrapped his arms from me and turned his head to the guy next to him "I don't tell you how to live your life, do I Liam?" He sassily remarked, the last guy who's named is Liam just shook his head as he lightly shoved Niall.

"As you know my names Liam, I'm an Agent as well." Liam, was the guy who was in the car with Louis. This guy had the same appearance as David Beckham honestly, just younger. He had a natural quiff going on and overall he looked pretty handsome, a manly handsome was the best way to explain it. He looked like he had his shit together basically.

"It's getting late, how about we all meet up at my house, I'll lead the way." Nick clapped his hands together, everyone soon getting into the SUV Liam had pulled in with, just because most of them came busting in through the windows.

Almost as if Alex had read my mind she made a witty remark "Why the hell did you guys bust in like that, a tad dramatic."

Everyone had a small laugh except for Harry, he had been very quiet since they had arrived "Because, we like to make an entrance."

Alright so this book has been getting a bit more readers and I would like to know a few of you beautiful people sooo...feel free to comment your Instagram usernames and I might just follow some of you

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