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"We have to tell Simon, period." Alex demanded, ignoring Harry's disapproving opinion. It was the next day and Harry had decided that we all get together in his office to discuss the matters of yesterday, but right now 80% of this 'discussion' was Harry arguing with, pretty much everybody and everything so, I just zoned them out and decided to listen every now and then, making witty remarks, just to keep myself entertained and updated once in a while.

My eyes found their way to the file that Alex had just closed sitting on the table, begging to be opened once again.

"Absolutely not, no." Harry shook his head and gave her a harsh chuckle "That is not an option." Of course it isn't Harry, of course.

My eyes kept glancing over to the yellow tinted folder, not that I wanted to, I just couldn't help it.

Curiosity. It was one word and one thing I couldn't ignore. It overpowered me, the unknown information was torturous. I wanted to indulge every single bit of that file, every edge and word. Every picture.

"Do not even think of it." Harry scolded, making me roll my eyes at his tone.

"Why not? I mean, I have the right to know. I am the victim here." I raised my arms up and motioned towards myself, proving my point.

"Exactly, which is why you can't touch it. It's for your own safety." I frowned, feeling like a child.

Sighing, I reached over and grabbed the cold bottle of water that sat in front of me.
"What could be so bad about a couple of papers and pictures?" I shrugged and gulped down the drink, the sound of the bottle crunching was rather loud. Mostly because the room went completely silent in a matter of seconds, which answered my question. Apparently a lot can be wrong with papers and pictures.

"Elliot, just please don't look at the file. Okay?" Alex pleaded, the concerned look on her face told me she was serious about this. I saw Harry look at me as well so I didn't respond verbally, I just nodded because I knew the probability of me opening that file without their consent was rather high.

Alex gave me one final look before turning around "As I was saying- the whole Simon situation, I think it's rather a brilliant idea, what do you think Nadine?" I rolled my eyes at the mention of her name, actually her being in the same room with me made me irritated beyond belief.

"I'm going to have to agree with Harry on this one, again." She giggled.

Alexandra looked away and clenched her fist, murmuring something under her breath. She was obviously oblivious to the fact that this girl basically worshiped him. But he just smirked, fully aware and grabbed his glass full of Jack Daniels and tipped his head back, not affected by the strong gulp of whiskey he had just taken. As he did this my eyes were glued to his neck, which was perfectly displayed, so I took time to admire the view since it was only going to last me a couple of seconds.

As he bought his head back down I could see Nadine glaring at me from the corner of my eye, but I just acted as if I couldn't feel her eyes burning into my soul.

"Well, that's just too bad." Alex grinned and picked at her nails, earning confused looks from all of us.

"What is too bad?" Harry asked, well more so warned. There was a tone of worry in his voice, which I could completely understand since this girl was pretty much unpredictable.

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