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"Anybody care for some tea?" Nick chirped, signaling his servant, who set down a small tea cup and some milk. He looked at us suggestively but we all shook our heads, patiently waiting for him to speak about the plans. He shrugged and poured milk in his tea, slowly stirring it. I heard Harry sigh and shift in his chair, trying his best to stay patient.

Nick raised the cup and drank quietly, staring at us. It took him a minute or two before he quickly put the drink down, getting the clue "Oh-right!" He set the drink aside and cleared his throat, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. A moment later a middle aged women rushed in with a laptop in hand, which she then handed over to Nick.

I heard Alex snort as he thanked her and put his glasses on and quickly started typing "I am aware all of you know Dion is having a meeting with the Jones and I know exactly where." He stopped and turned the laptop around, making the screen face us. I stared at the picture and shook my head he has got to be kidding me.

"A casino?" Alex raised her brow at Nick who eagerly nodded his head "Not just any casino, it's The Rose dorée. One of the most exclusive casinos in Vegas."

"Meaning it's going to be difficult to even get in." I looked at the large building displayed on the screen, the gold colored exterior made it look expensive, classy and sophisticated. Hell, I'm pretty sure it was.

"Well, in order to get in you must be on the list and I know a way to get all of you on it." He clapped.

"Why don't we just barge in and kill those fuckers." Alex chewed on her gum and leaned back in her chair, shrugging. We all rolled our eyes at her, this girl is something.

"Because Alexandra, there are hundreds of guards, fully loaded. We can't just do that." He scolded her and grabbed the handle of his cup, raising it up to his lips. "Plus, that's no fun." He murmured, taking a drink.

"So, how do you plan on getting us on that list?" I asked him, he has made this casino sound very restricted and I wanted to know exactly how he was going to get us on that list.

"I will simply hack into the guards tablet, everything is digital these days and the casino has made sure to keep up with modern day technology. I did it before for one of my cousins birthday bashes" He waved his hand around in assurance.

"And once we get in we will begin phase one."


I walked upstairs, struggling to carry my luggage up the steps "I swear to god.." I whispered and glared down at the bag and tugged once again, this stupid wheel kept getting jammed on these steps and it was aggravating the shit out of me. I looked down to see one of the servants looking at me as if I were crazy, I wouldn't blame them since I was basically yelling at a inanimate object. "I'm good, I don't need any help." I picked up the heavy bag and gave the man a fake smile, he smiled back making me boil. Well I guess he doesn't understand the meaning of sarcasm.

I tugged once again and felt a rush of happiness in me, thank god. I quickly took out the handle and gripped it, taking a turn to my left and walked down the corridor, the large windows that were aligned next to each other gave a amazing view of the garden and brought in natural light making it look bright and open.

I continued to walk down, passing random rooms. Nick said I could take any room I wanted, so I decided that I wanted one far away from the girls and Harry. Just for the privacy you know?

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