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"He's hot, you've got to give him that." Sam took a bite of her sandwich and eyed him as he walked around the cafeteria, arms crossed as always and green eyes roaming the room for any signs of trouble.

"I guess." I shrugged and drank my water. Samantha and the rest of the girls looked at me as if I was crazy, I took my last gulp and put the water bottle down. "What?" I asked as I slowly turned the lid, closing it.

"You guess? Look at that damn jawline." Lisa pointed at him as he grabbed the apple and took a harsh bite, his jaw slowly moved up and down the sharp, angled line was clearly prominent in every bite.

His eyes quickly flickered to mine, making my knees go weak. I slowly panicked until I felt a small tap on my shoulder "Elliot right?" I clumsily turned around to see Zach and his friends standing behind him, as always.

"Yeah, what's up?" I let out an awkward laugh as I tried to focus all of my attention onto him.

He bought his hand behind his neck and sent me a smile "We are having a small party at Jessie's dorm tonight. I was wondering if you could-" Kyle kneeled his elbow into his side making him flinch "If you and your friends would like to come?" He corrected himself making Alex giggle.

"Yeah, we'll be there." Ivory grinned and accepted their invitation, completely ignoring my opinion. But it was too late, without turning back, they left and took her confirmation.

I turned around and glared at Ivory "Do you know in how much trouble we could get in if we get caught attending a damn party?" I hissed at them. Parties were strictly forbidden here and they knew that.

"Calm down what's the worse that could happen?" Lisa rolled her eyes at me in aggravation.

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that we could get kicked off the program?" sarcasm dripped off my voice like venom. I'm not prepared to leave, I just started and I'm not letting some party take that away from me.

"Chill, I got this. Look, we go there for a couple hours or so and then we come back to the dorms safe, sound and sober." Ivory proposed, glaring at Lisa who glared back at her in annoyance.

"Plus looks like Zach's got a little crush on you." Alex added making me roll my eyes.

"I don't know guys, this is a bit sketchy." I murmured, and it's true Jessie's parties happen very frequently, actually I'm surprised he hasn't gotten caught yet knowing that pretty much everybody knows when he is planning or is throwing a party. Which makes me even more nervous knowing there is a very high possibility that this specific party could be the one that gets caught, which is another reason that makes me think. Why the hell did I agree to this?


Nope, I wasn't feeling this "Can we like, go back to our dorms and you know, sleep or watch a really good movie." I pointed towards the black door that we had just entered. The mix of alcohol and weed was quickly invading my nostrils making me gag at the filthy stench.

"Can't you have fun once in a while, Jesus." Lisa rolled her eyes and flipped her hair over her shoulder. Her glittery black eyeshadow reached just under her eyebrow and her dress barely covered her ass but, she didn't seem to have a care in the world. Clearly she was here to go wild and I was keeping her from doing so.

"This scenery just doesn't feel right to me." I explained to her as I looked at the crowd of people grinding to some loud music whilst some of them enjoyed mouthfuls of brownies that had been filled with weed.


"Don't get drunk!" Ivory yelled at Lisa but she only walked away in her red Louboutin's, shaking off Ivory's comment.

"I never promised not to get high." Lisa yelled back and disappeared into the crowd of sweaty and drunk bodies.

"I swear- I'll be right back. I need to keep an eye on her." Ivory grabbed her purse from the table and took a large sigh before walking towards the wave of people.

I sat alone by the bar, my legs crossed and my hands as well, I picked at the small piece of yarn that stuck out of my skinny jeans from boredom.

"Not much of a party person huh." My head turned to the right to be see an unfamiliar yet hot face.

When he noticed the odd look on my face he gasped "Oh sorry, my name is Jack." He gave me a crooked smile and offered me to shake his hand, which I gladly accepted.


"Decessare, yeah." he finished and took a sip of his red cup before putting it back down. I gave him a confused look "How-"

"Top 5 in Mr. Harris's class, not hard to find out who you are. I sit right behind you." He pursed his lips and looked away, a pang of guilt hit me. He sat right behind me yet I didn't even recognize his name or face, great.

I apologized but he just shook his head and laughed at me "It's alright, I never talked much really."

I took a close look at him, eyeing him up and down. The only thing that ran through my mind was, but he's hot.

I know it's a terrible to think that one will have such great confidence just because their hot but, he looked like the kind of guy who would get along with just about everybody.

"You want a drink?" He pointed at one of cups but I shook my head. "Not much of a drinker either."

"Okay, wait." Jack put his drink down and leaned over the bar, putting his hand behind it, I gave him a confused look but before I could say anything his hand appeared with the drink. "Here." He grinned handing me the item.

I looked down to my palm, the plastic making a loud noise against my fingers "A juice box?" I hesitated and he nodded detaching the plastic covered straw and slightly tapping the bottom to the side to get it off, leaving small indents on the side of the rectangular box. I grabbed the straw and frowned.

"What you don't like it?" He brought his own box to his mouth and took a sip, the liquid of the apple juice arose and fell back down.

"Um, do you have grape?" I asked and immediately he nodded and took the juice box back and replaced it with a purple colored one, grape juice.

"How do you know about this?" I asked him as him and I took large gulps of the savory liquid.

"I stumbled upon them." I let out a small laugh and shook my head "A bit childish don't you think?"

Before he could respond the door slammed open and smashed against the wall making everybody jump from fear. The music stopped and everybody's head turned to the direction of the loud bang.

The door swung back from the force but the tattooed hand stopped it right on time. "This party ends right now!" He roared and almost instantly people started running out of windows and back doors. This dorm was only on the second floor making it easy to escape.

I was shoved from side to side by swarms of people. I called out Jack's name and looked around the decreasing crowd in panic but he was nowhere in sight. My eyes met a large open window and out of panic. I ran towards it.

My feet bolted into a full sprint, I felt adrenaline pulsing through me from the thought of getting caught. It honestly wasn't that far away, only a few more feet.

I screamed when I felt another hand forcefully pull my own, causing me collide with his chest. "You." I looked up and almost passed out when I saw his familiar green eyes.

"Do you have any idea in how much trouble you are in?"


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