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I choked out a small cry and hugged him tighter "What's going on here?" I jumped and felt Harry's arms quickly unwrap from my waist, he backed away and gave a cough, putting his hands behind his back. I sniffed and looked at him in confusion, following his eyes I slowly turned around to see Nadine leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed and a bitter look scowled onto her face.

"Are you crying?" She asked, humor laced in her voice. I sniffed and didn't answer, she snickered at me and walked towards Harry. "Such a child." I heard her whisper to Harry walking around him. I glared at her but she didn't seem to notice, she was to focused on Harry. The thought just made me crazy, and I don't know why.

"I'll let you two be." I whispered, letting my gaze slowly drop to the floor. I needed to get out, because if I didn't I could break down at any second and I didn't want to look weak.

I slammed the door shut letting my sobs escape the second I stepped out, I heard rustling and yelling on the other side but I just needed to get far away.

After a while of traveling down the halls I found myself taking random turns and stairs. I didn't know where I was going but I knew that it lead elsewhere and that's exactly what I needed. As I took another turn I felt my body bump into another. I quickly looked up in surprise to see a blurry Alex.

"Elliot? Why are you crying? El- Elliot!" I lightly shoved her out the way and ran. I realized that was all I seemed to be doing the second that he arrived. I couldn't do anything but run away from my problems and now that I think of it, the majority of it is my fault but, he was a distraction, a distraction I didn't need in my life right now. He was the problem.

I bursted through a random door, a cold blast of wind immediately hitting my body making me shiver. I looked around me to see nothing but a dark field, as I looked farther I noticed a forest, the feeling of this place made me feel uneasy but it was isolated and that conquered all.

I walked further down, my shoes crunching down on the small pebbles near the grass. I just needed to take a walk, classes were cancelled tomorrow so I didn't need the sleep, I just needed to think.

"Amazing huh?" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to see the unfamiliar man standing in front of me and suddenly I felt eerie.

"Where did you come from?" I asked warily, taking a few steps back putting my hand into my pocket and clicking the small dent on the side of the ring letting the small knife come out, just in case.

"I was just taking a walk and saw you come out that door right there." He chuckled and pointed to the door I had indeed came out of.

I didn't respond but just took a close look at him, from his hair to his boots- call me crazy but I couldn't help but think of Harry.

"My names Matty, putting that out there." He gave me a smile and extended his hand, I looked at it and declined it, shaking my head. I didn't know who this guy was and he was giving me bad vibes.

"Fine, whatever." He shrugged, his leather jacket rising letting me see the silver gun that had been secured to the top of his skinny jeans. A red flag went off and I took several steps back, only for him to take many steps forward.

"Back the hell up!" I pulled out my shaky hand and pointed the sharp edge towards him. He smirked and put his hands up. "What's that little thing gonna do to me-" I turned the ring so the point went in the same direction as my palm, I swung my hand down and gave his arm a slash. I heard him curse in pain and reach towards the deep cut, clutching it.

I bolted across the field and towards the door. As I approached the glass door but I couldn't help but turn around, letting me see the horrifying view that was Matty, who was hot on my heels, making me unintentionally screech out a name "Harry!"

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