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"Now." Harry closed the door behind me and walked towards his dark desk, his long fingers brushed against the wooden desk until he reached his seat. Though he didn't sit down, he just stood there eyeing me.

"It's obvious you're not much of a party person, least you don't look like one." he bluntly spills, I was a bit offended -even though he was completely right.

He crossed his arms and carefully examined me "You're a good student, according to your other mentors, you're at the top of the class."

He leaned over the desk, his face coming closer to mine "So what were you doing at that party." he whispered slowly to me.

I looked away for a second before answering his question, anxiety washing over me "I was uh- invited" I stuttered and looked down at my fingers, fiddling and picking at the nail polish. It was a bad habit I had when I was nervous and his stare wasn't making it any better.

"By who, may I ask?"

I sighed, thinking to find a way out of this mess "Can't you just locate the students who live in that dorm?"

Harry chuckled at me like it was the most I idiotic question he had heard, taking a deep breath in "No because that dorm was never in use in the first place, it hasn't been checked out. Quite smart aren't they." I frowned and looked down at my hands, continuing to picking at them.

"You are so goddamn naive Elliot." Harry stared at me in disbelief making me feel a tad bit insecure. I looked at at him and nibbled on the inside of my cheek. He stared at me for a while until his eyes slowly trailed down to my hands and he frowned, cocking his head a little "Stop it, you're bleeding." I looked down and noticed the small line of red liquid trickling down my fingers. I apologized but he just sighed, handing me a tissue. I thanked him and he just hummed, moving on to the next subject "Let's make a deal."

I took the tissue and carefully wrapped it around the bleeding finger, cleaning some of the blood away "If you tell me who hosted this little stunt, you and your group of friends will get to stay here at the M.I.Training quarters." he spoke in a threatening voice. I bit my tongue to prevent me from screaming Jessie's name out. I was never the type to rat somebody out just like that but in this situation, I kind of felt like it.

"Is he going to get in serious trouble?" Immediately Harry shook his head at me and pouted "No just suspension for a couple of days, I mean. It was only one party right?" Harry shrugged. I eyed him warily and bit my lip. I don't know. I mean, it's only suspension it shouldn't be that bad right? He'll be back unlike my friends and I who would never have a chance. It was basically a win win, right?

I let out a shaky before telling him who the famous party host was "It was Jessie, Jessie Waterson."


They all stared at me for a while before I continued "It was either me telling him the truth or all of us getting kicked off the program." I harshly whispered to all of them as I carefully lifted the 30 pound weights in my hands. I looked over at Harry who had been staring at me the entire time, he knew I was telling them about what had happened yesterday, and quite frankly I didn't care.

We kept eye contact for a couple more seconds until I looked away. "Elliot." Ivory looked over at the other girls and back at me shaking her head at me. "Jessie got kicked off, he isn't coming back."

My face paled and I stopped lifting the weights, letting them drop. The loud bang of the metal made everybody turn around to look at me. "What?" I breathed.

"Everybody knows about it, it has been going around like a wild fire. What did you think, that he was going to come back after all the parties that he had been suspected of doing?" Lisa looked at me as if I were stupid, which I completely was. I looked at each of them who kept staring at me. I felt betrayed to, even if it was in the slightest bit, which it clearly wasn't, he made me look like a complete fool.

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