Chapter 17

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  A/N: This is gonna be a flashback chapter. It's gonna show Skylar and her parents as well as her uncles before her mom died. This will also be a kinda short chapter. Enjoy!


 A four-year old Skylar Serenity Kaiba was currently munching on some chicken casserole her mother had made

"It's so yummy, Mommy." Skylar said

"I'm glad you like it, sweetie. I made lots of it. I'm putting the leftovers in the microwave so you can have more later." Amanda said to her daughter.

After putting the leftovers in the microwave and leaving two plates for her and Kaiba, she heard the door open. She smiled as she saw Seto there. She smiled as she went over to him and gave him a peck on the cheek

"Welcome home, honey." she said as Kaiba went to the table and greeted Skylar

"Hi, sweetheart." he said as he kissed his daughter's head.

  "Daddy!" she said as she hugged him. Kaiba smiled at his adorable daughter and hugged her back

"Why don't we eat dinner and after that, we can go to the park?" Amanda suggested

"Yes!" Skylar said happily

"Okay. So it is." Kaiba said. Mokuba and Xavier came in and greeted their family before going to the table and eating as well.

After the five of them finished their food, they all got inside the limo and were drove to the park

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