More pancakes ( and some confessions(

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AN: hey guys ! I'm back ! I'm happy to be back but there's some sad news, this is the last chapter, I can't believe it's been going so great this book hit 8k in the span of 3 weeks ! I can't believe you guys actually like it ! Don't worry there' will a an epilogue !

Just a warning: Some smut and angst!

Throughout April Clarke struggled with her newly realized feelings for Bellamy. She knew she should tell him, after all holding her emotions inside was what had gotten her into this mess in the first place, but it was easier said than done. There were days when she would work herself up, telling herself that she was going to do it over dinner or when he got home or before she left for work, but then the moment would always come and go.

There were also times that it seemed like the words would burst out of her mouth without warning. When they sat close watching TV or went grocery shopping together Clarke could feel the three simple words burning in the back of her throat, but still she remained silent.

Almost losing Bellamy had made her finally realize how much she needed and wanted him, but it hadn't magically granted her the courage to open up and put her heart on the line. April came and went without a confession.

In early May Clarke began her first full day off that month by waking up at 11:00, taking a slow, hot shower, and spending an hour lazing around about getting dressed. She had to run a few errands but then Clarke fully planned on lounging about and doing nothing for the rest of the day. These plans where quickly called into question, however, when she walked into the kitchen to find a very bored looking Bellamy leaning against the counter checking his phone and stirring a bowl. His gaze met hers as soon as she crossed into the room.

"Oh my God, finally. I was starting to think you were dead up there."

Clarke scrunched her eyebrows together. "Well how was I supposed to know you were down here waiting on me? You could have come to get me you know." She moved closer to him to see what he was making ignoring the butterflies in her stomach at their proximity. "Blueberry pancakes?"

"Blueberry pancakes," Bellamy confirmed. "And if I had told you to hurry your ass up then the surprise would have been ruined." The face he made was an adorable mix of pride, nervousness, and irritation.

"Okay..." Clarke's mind raced trying to figure why Bellamy would wait all morning to surprise her with pancakes on an insignificant Tuesday in May. "Why are you making blueberry pancakes?"

"Because they are your favorite."

Clarke narrowed her eyes. "Did you break something of mine? Are you about to ask me to move out? Because I swear to God Bellamy Blake-"

"Am I not allowed to make you pancakes?"

"You waited for me to come down. I know you; you wake up at 6:00 on your days off. It is currently 12:40. You waited six hours and forty minutes to make me pancakes so clearly there is something more going on here."

Bellamy laughed and flipped a pancake. "Really? You haven't figured it out? I mean I know its not exactly the right date exactly, but we both have had work so I figured this was the best option. But really, I thought you were oh so smart."

"I am smart, that's why I can't fathom the stupidity of this," Clarke replied as she dipped a finger in the batter before licking it clean. Bellamy stared at her lips for a beat too long causing Clarke to blush. Maybe her heart wasn't a total lost cause after all.

Bellamy cleared his throat and dragged his eyes back up to hers. "It's the anniversary of you moving in. Well, kind of. The anniversary of us living together I suppose."

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