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it was around 4:30am when the young boy's alarm when off. he groaned. still completley groggy, he got up and put on a plain white t shirt with sweats. he decided to go and wake up beatrice. when he thought about beatrice, a smile radiated off his face. beatrice and hayes had spent every moment together since monday. they were inseperable. they did small things like cook for nash and cam, or paint on huge pieces of drywall with flourescent paints. he didnt know why he had kept his distance before. she was so perfect in every aspect. he couldnt get enough of her. not in a negative way. for some reason he didnt have seductive thoughts about her. she was so innocent, how could anyone think about her that way? he just wanted to be around her. for him that was enough. just being around beatrice was good enough.

he walked across the hallway to her room. and knocked on the door. after a few minutes, he knew he had no bad intentions, he slowly opened the door. he looked inside, to see the small angel still sleeping. he walked up to her bed and just looked at her. he put his hand on her face and rubbed small circles under her eyes. he decided that he just wanted to lay next to her. he got onto the bed, but not under the covers, for fear she might wake up. he put his hand around her waist and faced her. he looked at her for a few more minutes, wondering how a human could be as amazing as she was. he found himself getting drowsy. he knew the boys needed to be at the airport at seven a.m, so he decided not to push it. he slowly shook bea until she strirred. beatrice's eyes opened slowly. when the girl finally was awake she smiled at hayes and told him "goodmorning." her voice laced with happiness. and it was true. beatrice had never been so happy before and neither had hayes. "goodmorning bea. its friday." he said to her knowing she hated even the mention of friday. today was the day, cameron and nash left for almost two weeks. she sat up and hugged her knees, exposing her pale legs. hayes took one look, and his breathing hitched. she was only wearing one of his large white t shirts. she didnt have bad intentions either. hayes took in every inch of her. from her pale legs to her porcelain face. from her small nose to her lucsious lips. from her dark grey eyes to her dark tangled hair. he even realized her small imperfections. he realized she had a small scar next to her right eyebrow. on her knee there was another scar. one on her ankle, a scar from when she fell playing hopscotch with gem. but then he also realized that all of these small flaws in her, were simple bliss to him. a sign that she was actually a human being. he could not wrap his head around the fact that she was so perfect. he was so sure at times that his head was playing games with him. that his brain somehow created the fictional girl of his dreams. so seeing these small scar helped him realize she was real. not made from his imagination.

hayes got up from the bed and kissed the girl on the forehead. then he left the room knowing she needed to get dressed. he also needed to change. since they were just going to the airport, he decided on another white t shirt, black joggers, gray yeezys, and a red baseball cap. he was so excited to be with beatrice for two whole weeks. sure he was going to miss nash and cam, but now they could do whatever they wanted without anyone telling them no. for example last week, beatrice found some of cams old photoshoot pictures. they were taken at an old cave sourounded by waterfalls and flowers. when she found them, she looked so intruiged, hayes knew she wanted to go. she never said so, but he knew. she quietly put the pictures back in the box and never asked about them. but he wanted to take her. so now that was his first priority.

he sudeenly heard a quiet knock, he smiled knowing it was beatrice.

"bea come in" he invited her
she opened the door quickly and stepped inside. hayes jaw almost fell to the floor. she looked so utterly exquisite in anything. she wore a small white shirt, black leggings, adidas, an army jacket and a black baseball cap. she wore no makeup and she looked better than any girl hayes had ever met.
"sorry for barging in hayes. im just so nervous about them leaving for so long." she said worried.
hayes made long strides until he reached her and he hugged her. as soon as his arms wrapped around her, her small body fell into them. she began to cry and hayes hurt seeing her cry. it was the worst feeling ever. he titled her head up, which stopped her tears. he kissed the tears on her face.
"dont cry." he said quietly still kissing her cheeks.
he pulled away looking at her, more beautiful than ever.
"lets go find the boys and head over to the airport okay bea? everything is going to be fine. we will be having so much fun we will forget about them even being gone okay baby" he said trying to cheer her up.
she sniffled and nodded her head. she then looked up at him and kissed the side of his mouth. her eyes widened, she said thank you once more, and left hayes as confused as she was. he did not know what to think of it.

'it was probably an accident' he kept telling himself, but he wanted it to be more than just that. more than just an accident. then he began to think about what would have happened if the kiss would have continued. he would not have minded. he caught himself thinking of her in ways he never had. he shook the thoughts from his head quickly, feeling guilty he even let himself think about her like that. he decided her actions were accidental and that he would never think about her that way again. he left his room and went to the kitchen. bea was there. he pushed the thoughts aside and pretended it never happened. he acted as if nothing had occured. she saw him and she looked down again feeling embarassed. he went up to her and kissed her cheek letting her know everything was fine.
he turned and got something to eat quickly. a protein bar and a glass of milk. he sat next to her seing she had a bowl of delicious blackberries with sugar ontop. he took one and put it in his mouth. she looked at him jokingly mad.

" bengamin hayes grier. how dare you take my blackberries. you are now sentenced to five million thousand years in prison" she said smiling "and i get the rest of your bar"

before her had a chance to react, she took the bar from his hand and finished eating it. he smiled amd began to tickle her when she finally got away from him, they began chasing eachother around the kitchen. hayes eventually caught up to her and threw her over his shoulder. he walked around the house like that until nash and cameron came downstairs. they both ate quickly and they told them it was time to go. hayes took bea's hand lead her to his jeep. when they all got situated and all sat down, hayes put on his seatbelt and put bea's on for her.
she looked at him funny and said "i could have done that hayes. you dont need to do everything for me."
"well you see," he began "my way of seeing it is this way. if there is something that i can do for you, i will do it. i dont want you to ever have to do anything thing that isnt absolultey needed. i am your slave for life bea." he bowed his head and heard laughter from her. nash and cam also laughed. after a long car ride, they finally got to the airport at five forty eight a.m. after going through a whole process, it was finally time for the boys to leave. bea didnt cry but she did hug cam like there was no tomorrow.
"babe. ill be back soon. " he reassurred bea. then he looked at hayes and said "dont let anything happen to her. or ill have you skinned alive. im not kidding."
hayes knew he was but he promised he would not let anything bad happen to bea. after everyone said their goodbyes, cameron and nash got on the plane.

hayes looked over at bea and said " ready to have some fun"


so i write these chapters at like 12 am so my sleep deprived self might not have the best writing. but heres an update.
tbh i love this book so far and this chapter is definetly my favorite so far.

i got the idea of italisied writing from wonderhayes she is such an amazing writer. and her book 'saints' is so beautifully written i wanted to cry. check her book out.
i love ur support.
i love reading comments, so if u comment ill usually write back.

also just something thay caught mt att. this book has 1.17k reads and 68 votes. keep voting pls.

this is also the longest chapter ive ever written. 1638 words. im so proud of my 12 am self

xoxo, yo fav sleep deprived bitch.
bye hoes.

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