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beatrice teresa violeta.

after hours of playing in the garden, beatrice finally went inside. usually she went to the garden when she needed to calm down. she tried to always see the good in things but she could not possibly think of anything that was good in this situation.

beatrice wandered the hallways of the orphanage until she bumped into miss carol, the orphanage owner.

"hi miss carol."

"hello beatrice. arent't you excited that your turning sixteen tomorrow?"
her face fell.
why did everyone think this was a good thing?

her sixteenth birthday. she was dreading this day. not because she wasnt going to get a huge party, she didnt care about that, but because it would mean one more year without a family. she wasnt one to pity herself but it was hard to continue to be kind and happy when she had so much hurt inside her. she just wanted to be positive and happy. she wanted to be the kind of person that made people feel warm and good when they were around them. she just wanted to be happy. why couldnt anyone understand that?

"i guess" beatrice shrugs "miss carol, i've been here way too long. im turning sixteen tomorrow. what is so special about that? im never going to have a real family. is there something wrong with me?"

beatrice felt terrible dropping all these comments on miss carol, but she needed to get these off her mind.

"oh honey. i know it can be difficult. and im sorry, i didnt want to make you feel uncomfortable. i love you beatrice. you are like a daughter to me. and the you deserve a family more than anyone."

now she really felt bad.

"oh miss carol. you are my family, im sorry for acting out. i just havent been myself lately." beatrice sighed

"well i know just the thing to cheer you up. they are serving arroz con leche for dessert. and i need to talk to you about something right after dinner, so come by when your done."

beatrice hugged carol and went to her bedroom. beatrice didnt really have any hobbies, except painting. she loved to paint with the little cheap paints that carol gave her from the art closet. they couldnt afford anything better, she didnt mind. beatrice also loved the set of calligraphy pens that camila gave her.

camila was one of the volunteers at the orphanage. she was twenty-two. she was the govenors daughter and when she got ahold of her trust fund all she wanted to do was something good with her platform. she had began volunteering there a year after beatrice had arrived. it was no secret that beatrice was her favorite. she spoiled her with things. sure, she gave the others clothes, shoes, notebooks, but she began to give betarice more luxurious items. silk scarves, diamond earrings, and even a pearl necklace. beatrice didnt want to be considered rude to the other children. she didnt want to make them feel bad, so she hid them in the drawer beside her bed. beatrice didnt just love camila because of her gifts, but because of her kindness towards others. she admired it.

after painting and drawing for about an hour, she realised it was about time to head to the lunchroom.  usually they had some sort of salad and a burger or something of the sort, but today they went with a hispanic food theme, something they never did. beatrice was lucky to be in this orphanage. it was owned and cared for by camila's father, the governer of california. he funded anything that miss carol needed.

after eating, she headed down to miss carols office.
miss carol looked up when she heard the door open.

"hey sweetie. sit, sit. i have some very exciting news." miss carol said smiling.

beatrice nodded quickly, wanting to know.

"a young man filled put the applications to adopt you beatrice," she paused waiting for her reaction.

beatrices pulse began to pick up slowly.

"but thats not it. i didnt want to tell you until we were sure this was going some where. i got the call from camila that he was approved. he will be here in the morning." carol finished.

"oh my goodness. im leaving. im going to have a family miss carol. oh my gosh." beatrice said quietly, she looked up at miss carol, seeing tears in her eyes, she got up and ran into miss carols arms, hugging her. they both began to cry. tears of happiness. miss carol wiped beatrices tears and kissed her forehead.

"beatrice you deserve this so much. now go on to bed. ill see you in the morning sweetie." miss carol lead her to the door. they hugged once more and beatrice left still shocked at what had just happened.

once she got to her room, she immedietly fell on her bed, anticipating tomorrow.


the morning went by in a blur. beatrice woke up at seven am, ate breakfast, showered, changed. and waited in her bedroom to be called. at around noon, camila told her to come to miss carols office. she was so nervous and excited. she didnt know what to say or act like. she was going to have a family.

when she walked in there was a young man sitting, with her back to her. the door creaked and everyone turned to look at her. she sat down next to him, not knowing what to say.

"hi," he was the first to speak. she finally looked up at his face. his piercing brown eyes stood out to her. he had tan skin and semi long hair. she noticed how well all of his features complimented eachother.

"-im cameron dallas."

she finally spoke up "hi cameron, im beatrice."

the last thing cameron wanted was to make her feel uncomfortable. "beatrice i know this can be kind of wierd for you but its all new to me too. i was so surprised when they told me i was approved. ive been waiting awhile to talk to you. i want to get to know you. and i want to be able to provide you with not only a family, but great friends. i hope you understand"

beatrice was lost for words. she loved that he cared so much. he opened his arms and she hugged him. he smelled like something fresh, like the outside. miss carol spoke up saying there was one more paper to sign and that would be it. after they both signed papers. miss carol had a small talk with beatrice. she talked to gem and to camila next. after getting her things from her room, they left. everything went by so fast. one minute she was waking up, the other she was leaving with cameron.

cameron was going to protect beatrice at all costs. he would make sure to give her everything she never had at the orphanage. she was his little angel.

i completely re wrote this chapter. i promise that ch 9 is coming soon.

love, cammy. 🍒🍒

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