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after dinner, beatrice looked for cameron all over the apartment. she finally found him on the balcony, sitting in a lawn chair. he usually only came out here for some fresh air when he was stressed. she sat in the chair next to him, not knowing what to say. she had so many things on her mind, she didnt know where to start.

"cameron. can we talk really quick?" she asked, looking over at him.

he sighed, "beatrice i have alot on my mind right now. could this possibly wait."

she was so shocked. he never said no to her. maybe that wasnt a good thing. she had to talk to him, but on the other hand she didnt want to stress him out.

her eyes began to fill with tears, but she nodded and went to find nash.

she went to his room, and sure enough, he was laying down on his bed, watching a movie on netflix.

although the door was open, she knocked. he looked up and smiled, telling her to come in. she jumped on his bed and layed next to him. they were quiet for a few minutes, nash knew something was wrong.

"so whats on your mind muffin." he said nudging her side.

she cringed at the nickname and laughed. "i just wanted to talk to cameron, but he wanted some space. so i was wondering if i could talk to you."

"of course babe."

beatrice didnt know where to start. so she got to the point.
"my birth mother is looking for me. "

nash's eyes widened, he was speechless for a few seconds trying to process it. then after seeing nash's reaction, beatrice imediately felt bad for dumping it all on him at once.

"nash. im sorry. i should have waited for cameron. i dont mean to make you feel uncomfortable. im sorry."
bea's eyes tear up, and she lowers her gaze.

nash wraps her up into his arms, trying to make her feel better.
"hey tris. its fine dont worry about it. its just such a surprise. what do you want to do? do you want to contact her?"

"well yes. i do. now that i have made amends with hayes. i am-"

nash suddenly cut her off, "wait you and hayes are cool now?"

"um. yes. is there something wrong?" beatrice was beyond confused.

"no yea. thats awesome. i hated having to watch him treat you like that, even if he was in pain too. but thats cool anyway, what were you saying?" nash answered.

beatrice laughed at how easily he could be distracted. "i was saying that i am happy to finally do this with everyone's support."

"tris, i support your decision 100%. all of us love you so much and we just want you to be happy."

beatrice nodded and realised how tired she was. she told nash she was tired and he told her to get ready for bed. she left his room and began to walk down the dark hallway. she finally got to the door, and as she began to turn the door handle, she got a weird feeling. she turned to hayes' room and opened his door. he looked up from his mac and smiled.

"hey beatrice." he said sitting up he was still nervous considering it had been only a few hours since they reconciled and he didnt want to do anything to mess it up.

"hey." she stood in the doorway, not sure why she came here in the first place.

"bea, you know you can come in right?" he smiled trying to make here feel better.

"yea i know." she walked towards the bed and collapsed in the mess of white sheets. her hair spread around her head, creating some sort of halo. hayes smiled and scooted closer to her. they stared at eachother for a few moments before either one could speak. hayes reached for her neck but she sat up, leaving his hand in the air. she ignored what happened and moved on.

"hayes im kind of scared for tomorrow. i finally decided to call the investigator. but i dont know if i can sleep alone tonight. could i spend the night in here." she asked sheepishly.

"of course." he moved over and held the covers up. she slid under the covers and pressed her back against hayes' bare chest. she couldnt help but think how quick everything went. one month they we kissing and couldnt get enough of each other, the next month he's sad, upset, hostile and any sign of affection flew out the window.
and now here they are again together. maybe not in the whole meaning of the word. they werent together in a relationship. but they were together in the fact that their friendship was better. and to her that was the most important thing.
a few minutes later , hayes' arm rested in the slope of her waist and he was breathing deeply, making her think he was asleep. she turned, now facing him. she admired his features and her breath was taken away.

his face was remarkably beautiful. his dark lashes brushes his cheeks. his jawline was carved beautifully. his cheeks were flushed, as if he was getting warm. his tan skin was soft and clear. she didnt realized how much she took his looks for granted. or his personality either. his humor was amazing. he had always been suprisingly gentle with her. he was selfless and emotional, even when he tried not to show it. she began to think of all of this, and she realized how lucky she was to have such an amazing person beside her.

she needed to say it even if he wouldnt here it:
"hayes grier, you are a beatiful person. inside and out."

after a few moments of silence, her eyes began closing, but she wasnt still completly asleep when she heard.

"beatrice im falling in love with you."


sorry for another late update. ill start to try and post every sunday or wednesday.

also i redid chapter one. so if u wanna go check that out.

i love u bunches


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