Disapproval (Ricky Horror Request)

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A Ricky Horror Imagine

Word Count: 1,126

Warnings: fluff

Author's Note: This imagine is for @fransescaxovo - I hope you enjoy it!

Your thumbs moved furiously fast as you played a video game against your brother, Vinny. You were on tour with MIW and had brought a new game for you guys to try out. You were about to win, but Vinny was catching up to your score. Within seconds he beat you easily. You groaned in defeat, throwing your hands up. Vinny cheered and whooped.

"I was so close!" You say.

"But I was closer." Vinny says, taunting you.

You scoff and playfully punch Vinny's shoulder. Just when you guys were about to start another round, you got distracted by someone entering the tour bus. You turned your head to see Ricky. His arms were black with paint and his hair was a little messy. You smiled at him, waving.

Ricky smiled back at you until Vinny turned towards him. You recently noticed how different Ricky acted around you whenever your brother was around. You didn't know the reason for this, but never really bothered to think about it much. You just missed Ricky's usual kind gestures towards you.

"Hey Rick." Vinny says.

"Hey. What are you guys up to?" Ricky asks, grabbing a Monster energy drink before walking over to you.

"We're playing a new video game I bought recently. You wanna try?" You offer as Ricky sits down beside you.


"No way Fransesca, I wanna go against you again. You have to try to beat my high score." Vinny argues.

"Oh come on, Vinny. We've been playing this for over an hour. Let Ricky have a turn." You say, grabbing Vinny's controller out of his hand.

You hand Ricky the game controller and offer Vinny yours. He refuses, so you and Ricky go head to head. You spent another hour or so playing video games with him. Vinny sat on the opposite side of you, secretly fuming on the inside. Later on he had come to the point where he had had enough.

You and Ricky finally finished your game, you finishing as the winner. Once the game ended, things started getting weird.

"Hey Rick, can you go grab me a soda?" Vinny asks.

"Why don't you go get it yourself?"

"Because I don't want to. Now go get me a soda."

After staring at Vinny with a confused and angered expression, Ricky gets up from the couch. You then grab his arm, stopping him.

"I'll go get it, just sit down." You say, shocked that your brother would suddenly be so rude.

You walk away from the guys, going to the other side of the bus. You open the fridge and grab a soda. After you closed the fridge, you stayed quiet for a moment. You wanted to get to the bottom of this. You waited and listened for voices.

Soon enough the men spoke in whispers. However, the bus was small and you could hear every word. Just a few seconds in, you found out what the problem was.

"Ricky, I'm sick of you messing around with my sister. I told you the other day to knock it off." You hear Vinny say.

"Well, I'm sick of you thinking that you have authority over me. I get that she's your sister, but you can't just tell me not to be around her. All I did was play a video game!" Ricky replies, irritated.

"You were doing more than just playing a video game Ricky, and you know that."

"Bullshit. I was playing a video game with her, nothing more."

Vinny sighs, then says, "Where's Fransesca?"

Your eyes go wide and you think for a moment. You decided to open this up right here, right now. You wanted answers and you wanted a solution. You walked into the room that the guys were in. By the look on your face they could tell that you had just heard everything that they were talking about. You set Vinny's soda down on the table and crossed your arms.

"Alright, what's going on?" You ask, demanding answers.

"Nothing." Vinny says, trying to brush it off.

"Nothing? What do you mean nothing? Now you're just gonna lie to your own sister?" Ricky says, even more irritated now than he was before.

Vinny sighs and looks down at the floor, unsure of what to say or do next.

"Look Fransesca, I really like you. Vinny doesn't approve of it, but I can't just change my feelings for you. I love your beautiful ombre hair and your brown eyes. I love how you can always make me feel better no matter what's going on, I love how you make me laugh. I love you, Fransesca." Ricky says, pouring his heart out to you.

You stood there in complete awe, taken aback by Ricky's statement. Vinny looked over at you, trying to see how you felt. Your shocked expression quickly turned into a smile. You walked over to Ricky and hugged him, not caring if Vinny didn't like it.

"I love you too, Ricky." You whisper.

Vinny just stands still and watches. He waits until you guys pull away, then speaks.

"Look Fransesca, if you really love Ricky then I don't have a problem with it. I'm just afraid of you getting hurt. I would be like this with any guy, not just with Ricky. I guess I'm just overprotective sometimes." Vinny admits, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry for being such an asshole."

"It's alright man, I understand. You've gotta protect your loved ones." Ricky replies.

Vinny nods at Ricky, then looks over at you.

"You happy now?" He asks playfully.

"Yes, Vinny. Very happy." You say, laughing a smiling.

You look over at Ricky, smiling at him too. He smiles back and puts an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.

"Wanna go out for some ice cream?" He asks you.

"Sure, sounds good!" You reply.

You both tell Vinny bye before leaving. He didn't want to come along and make things awkward. Just as you guys were walking out the door of the parked tour bus, Vinny said one more thing.

"Hey Rick!" He calls.


"Hurt my sister and I'll kick your ass." Vinny says, half playful and half serious.

"Understood." Ricky says.

You laugh and clutch onto Ricky's arm, walking with him. You both took a little walk over to a nearby ice cream parlor. It was extremely sunny and warm outside and there were lots of people about. You both had a nice, sweet little ice cream date. You talked about all of the things you guys would do together in the near and distant future and even kissed before going back to the bus to hang out with Vinny. Things were much different now and everyone enjoyed it so much more.

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