Ghost Balls (Devin Sola)

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Ghost Balls

A Devin Sola Imagine

Word Count: 3,662

Warnings: smut, language

Author's Note: This imagine was written by my friend Alexis and I. Alexis wrote the first main half and I wrote the smut towards the end (also, this is not a request). I hope you guys like this, comment and tell me what you think! Also, if you have Tumblr, go follow my friend Alexis @/caspershadows666.

You and your friend were getting ready to go to a Motionless In White concert and you both joked around, talking about the band. You both went into separate rooms to go change. You put on your lace black panties and distressed black skinny jeans. You then put on your lace push-up bra and your favorite Motionless In White Grim Reaper T-shirt. You continued, putting on your black socks and then your black creepers.

You grabbed your beanie that you bought from Balz's shop that read "Strange". You went into the bathroom and put product on your hair so that you could flat iron it. You flat ironed your hair and pinned it back to put on your makeup. You brushed your teeth and then moved on to putting on your makeup. You first put foundation on your porcelain skin.

You then put on your eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and fake eyelashes. You drew on your eyebrows like Ash Costello's. You finally applied your black lipstick. You take your beanie and place it on your head evenly. Your friend finished soon after you and met you down stairs.

You grabbed your car keys to your black Ford Mustang gt350 2016. You get into the driver's seat and your friend takes shotgun. You drive to the concert listening to Slipknot. You finally arrive at the concert a little while later. You and your friend both have VIP tickets, so you both go into the venue and pass many people. You then go to the VIP room to wait for the band. A few minutes pass and they finally arrive.

Everyone about flipped their shit when they saw MIW, except for you. You were that shy girl just standing there. You and your friend were the last ones to get a picture with the band. You stood next to Ghost while your friend stood next to Chris. When walking away you could hear the band talking, but you couldn't make out what they were saying.

The only thing you knew is that they were definitely talking about you. Your friend catches up to you and nudges you in the arm. You turn to her to see what she wants.

"Dude, they are totally checking out your ass.....Especially Ghost" Your friend chuckled.

"What? No way." You said in disbelief.

You looked over your shoulder and the whole band quickly tried to act as if they weren't looking. You looked at Ghost and laughed when you saw that he had a boner. Balz, who was standing right next to Ghost, saw what you were laughing at and quickly notified Ghost. He looked down and ran out of the room in embarrassment. You and your friend both laughed.

You and Balz looked at each other, both of you laughing. Balz gave you a thumbs up for what you unintentionally did to poor Ghost. The rest of the band asked Balz what happened. Like the game telephone, they all passed on what happened to Ghost. Pretty much the whole band gave you a thumbs up after they found out about what you did. Chris, playing along, winked at you and gave you a thumbs up while smiling you jokingly.

"Poor Ghost." Your friend chuckled.

You shook your head and smiled while letting out a little chuckle.

You both head out to the area of where the concert was taking place. You got to be in the front row at the barrier. The intro for Dead As Fuck played and all the band members came out one by one. Ghost went out last, acting like nothing happened. As soon as he saw you his smile went away and his face turned red. Ghost quickly looked back at the crowd to insure that he wouldn't embarrass himself again. Chris looked over and pointed to you.

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