Skateboard Date (Devin Sola Request)

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Skateboard Date

A Devin Sola Imagine

Word Count: 1,383    

Warnings: fluff, smut

Author's Note: This imagine is for @Ionakemp124 - I hope it's what you wanted!  Sorry for the boring title, haha.

You grabbed your skateboard and helmet, walking out of your house. You were going to meet up with your best friend Devin. He lived a few streets down from you, so you put your helmet on and skated to his house. You two were texting earlier and decided to meet up and skateboard together. You were excited to see Devin.

When you skated onto Devin's street, you saw him outside. He was sitting on his front porch scrolling on his phone. You smiled and skated faster towards him. Devin soon heard the sound of your skateboard and grabbed his own. He met you halfway, riding on his skateboard.

"Hey Iona." He greets you.

"Hey. What's up?" You ask.

"Not much. I was really bored earlier, but now you're here." Devin says.

"Aw, well I'm glad to be here." You reply, smiling at Devin.

He smiles back at you, then you guys start skating. First you decide to race to the end of the street. You both went really fast, eager to win. Devin got there first, finishing with a huge jump off his skateboard. Since you didn't win, you decided to do a cool trick to finish.

Devin clapped as he watched you do your skate trick. You laughed and took a dramatic bow afterwards. You two then raced again, this time with you taking the win. Devin attempted to do a trick as he got to the end like you did. You watched him as he failed horribly. Since Devin didn't get hurt, you were laughing uncontrollably.

Devin flipped you off while laughing with you. You both stopped racing and decided to practice some tricks. You did some kickflips and heelflips. Devin did some more basic tricks, since he was still a beginner. You helped him out with a new trick that you had been trying to teach him. Eventually he got it, nailing it perfectly!

"That was awesome Devin! I can't believe you got it so fast!" You exclaim.

"Thanks! Me neither." Devin replies.

"It took me, like, two weeks to nail that trick." You say.


You two sat down for a little while, resting. After a few minutes of light conversation you grabbed your skateboards. You both started skating again, Devin skating behind you.

"I think I'm gonna try to do a new trick." You tell Devin.

"Alright, be careful." He says.

You speed up, getting farther away from Devin. You attempt something new, but fail. This time you are able to catch yourself safely. Devin watches you, making sure that you are alright. You take a deep breath and get back on your skateboard.

You skate fast down the street, first making sure that there are still no cars or people around. Devin watches you from the sidewalk. You keep speeding up, soon going extremely fast. You keep your eyes straight ahead.

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