Big Brother (Ricky Horror Request)

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Big Brother

A Ricky Horror Imagine

Word Count: 1,386

Warnings: fluff, language

Author's Note: This imagine is for @vampirekitty678 - I hope you like it! x

You woke up early to help the crew set up a tent and band merch. It was for your brother Chris' band, Motionless In White. His band was currently on Warped Tour and he had offered for you to come with them on their tour bus! However there was one catch: you had to help set up merch. You had happily accepted your big brother's offer. This was your first time ever being on a tour.

After getting dressed and ready for the day, you went outside. You met up with some crew members and set up the Motionless In White tent. After that you helped them set up a few more tents and lots of band merch. A while later you were finished, so you made your way back to the MIW tour bus.

When you got to the bus, you decided to wake up your boyfriend Ricky. Nobody knew that you two were dating, so you stayed quiet. The reason your relationship was a secret was because you both knew that Chris wouldn't approve. He was a great older brother to you, but he was very protective. You knew that for sure.

You quietly walked over to Ricky's bunk, pulling the curtain aside. First you smiled at his peaceful, sleeping body. You then pressed a kiss to his pale skin. Moments later you tapped on Ricky's shoulder and he finally woke up. You put a finger to your lips, signalling him to stay quiet.

Ricky smiled at you before slowly and silently getting out of his bunk. You two hugged before going to the back lounge. You only had a short time until you would have to wake up the rest of the band so they could get ready to perform. Once you were in, Ricky shut the door. You sat down and he sat beside you.

You closed your eyes and waited for Ricky's lips to touch yours. When they did, you felt butterflies in your stomach. His metal lip piercings rubbed against your lips as he kissed you. You put a hand on Ricky's leg and he pulled you closer. Ricky kissed you sweetly as his hand cupped the side of your face.

A few minutes later you two were forced to stop. It was time to wake up the rest of the band for their performance. You sent Ricky out first, then moments later you came out of the back lounge as well. You woke up the rest of the band and also pretended to wake up Ricky again.

For the next hour or so you helped the band get ready. When it was almost time for them to perform, you all walked towards their stage. The summer heat made you sweat within a few mere moments. Another one of the upsides to going on tour with your brother's band was that you got to watch their performance every day!

Eventually Motionless In White went on stage and began their performance. You watched from the side, banging your head every now and then. The guys put on an amazing performance as always. You smiled as you watched Ricky play his sleek black guitar, head banging and singing back-up vocals. Occasionally Ricky would look over at you. You both would smile at each other before he went back to performing.

You sang along as the band performed their last song of the day, Immaculate Misconception. You watched in awe when the crowd sang the lyrics alone. The fans screamed at the top of their lungs and it was the loudest they had been since Warped Tour started. You saw Ricky smile as the crowd screamed, then he went back to head banging as he played the guitar.

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