The Back Lounge (Devin Sola Request)

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The Back Lounge

A Devin Sola Imagine

Word Count: 1,827

Warnings: fluff, smut

Author's Note: This imagine is for ravenxsykessola - I'm sorry this took so long, I hope you enjoy it!

Devin's POV

I just finished my makeup and am now ready to go on stage and perform. Motionless in White were opening for another band tonight, a band that we did not know personally. The band and I have not yet gotten a chance to meet the headlining band since both of our schedules have been so busy. I hope they're decent people, otherwise this tour is going to be very mentally exhausting. I plan on watching their set after ours is finished, just to get an idea about the members and their personalities.

I grab my bass and walk out to the stage, my heart racing. I love the feeling of performing, it is so unexplainably amazing. The crowd goes wild as all of us go on stage one by one. I smile at the crowd, but my smile is hidden by my Michael Myers mask. Chris greets the large crowd of fans, then I get in position with my bass. I get even more amped up as the intro to our song Death March begins to play.

Moments pass and the whole band begins performing. The crowd instantly goes crazy jumping, head banging and screaming the lyrics. We play several songs, the crowd staying energetic for each and every one. I do my usual routine at the end of one of our songs, grabbing my faux Michael Myers styled knife. I run out to the barrier, running past our screaming fans while wielding the knife.

Our band plays a few more songs, then it's time for the finale. We play our song Immaculate Misconception, a fan favorite. I swear that every tour our fans scream the lines "Open your mind before your mouth" even louder than they did before. The sound of our fans screaming our lyrics is my favorite sound in the universe. It is extremely exhilarating.

After the band and I walk off stage, we all get a drink of water. A few mere moments pass before we hear the crowd chanting "encore". We all get hyped up again, soon rushing back out onto the stage. The crowd screams even louder, elated that we are performing another song. We perform Reincarnate and I go absolutely insane on stage (like always). When we finish the song, I throw out a few more of my personalized picks to the crowd.

All of us walk backstage again, our set officially finished. I take off my mask and grab a towel to wipe some of the sweat off of me. After that I tell the guys that I will be watching the headlining band's performance. The rest of the band say that they are going to watch the band perform tomorrow, so I would be watching the performance alone. I nod at them before walking back towards the stage. I hear the crowd cheer again as the headlining band makes their way on stage.

The band soon begins to play their opening song. I stand on the right side of the stage, just out of the crowd's view. My eyes wander from member to member, my eyes soon becoming captivated by a beautiful girl. She suddenly came into my view, taking me by surprise. She was gorgeous, like no other girl I have seen before. I began to stare, her ravishing features being wonderfully displayed right in front of me.

I quickly noticed that she was playing bass. I was shocked to see her on stage; I had seen her earlier in the day for a few seconds. She had been helping out with Balz' keyboard, I thought she was a new crew member that I hadn't met, or a maybe new volunteer. I had wanted to talk to her, but I was too busy then. Maybe after the show I will get another chance to meet her.

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