chapter 18

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"This is like a dream I had about us once..." Mo smiled dreamily to Atticus.

"Not the time, Mo." Atticus said as he floated towards the saucer.

"Right, um, sorry." Mo chuckled nervously.

"Wait, him? This guy is the one that can help us open it?" Ron asked.

"Sorry, kids, but we need professionals." Kim said, before glancing oddly. "How did you get here anyway?"

"Trust me, you guys need Atticus," Cherry said. "He's got a big head about these sort of things."

"It's true, now stand back and let Atticus handle the hood." Mo said.

"Okay, when I let go, you guys will float, but don't worry, just stay away from any black holes." Atticus told the others.

The others nodded, Atticus then let them go so he could work on the engine for the kids, Tom, Jerry, Patch, and Peep.

"Alright, time to open this with some muscle." Atticus said, rolling up his sleeves before opening up the hood.

Rufus looked intrigued by Atticus while Kim and Ron stepped back to let him at work. Atticus did indeed get the hood open, but due to his incredible strength; he accidentally took it off.

"What is he doing?!" Alvin panicked as he watched with the others to see that Atticus had overdone it a little.

"Oops, sorry, but at least I got the hood out of the way for the engine to be powered up." Atticus said sheepishly before looking at Kim, Ron, and Rufus who were very surprised and blown away by Atticus's strength.

"Whoa..." Rufus squeaked out.

"Looks like it was a good thing he came with his friends." Ron said.

"I'll say..." Kim agreed.

"He might put us out of business." Ron playfully joked.

Kim glanced at him. Ron then looked down softly.

"Don't worry, I won't put either of you out of business." Atticus assured them.

"Ahem!" Wade's voice from Kim's communicator cleared his voice, trying to get Kim's attention.

"What's up, Wade?" Kim took out her communicator.

"You can thank me for sending help and also can now connect me to the engine." Wade said.

"Booyah!" Ron cheered.

Kim began to connect her communicator to the engine to let Wade work his magic.

"I can't wait to tell Daddy about this..." Robyn commented.

"I think he'd have a heart attack." Jerry said.

"Uh, yeah, I think we should keep this between us." Tom agreed.

Wade soon started to work his magic to get the engine started.

"That kid sure is smart..." Simon sounded jealous of Wade's abilities.

"Don't worry, you'll be just like him; it just takes years to master." Patch said.

Simon and Jeanette smiled.

Back on Earth, the people were panicking as the Martians had successfully invaded Earth.

"This can't be happening." Dr. Possible said.

The astronauts fled away.

"Commander Bristle, do something!" Dr. Possible urged.

"Don't worry, I know exactly what to do, GET OUT OF MY WAY!" the commander replied before running away like a coward.

"And I'm working for that guy?" Dr. Possible asked.

One member of the press was held out as a human shield and he noticed how tiny the martians were.

"Hey, hes' right!" one astronaut threw him aside and took the saucer and played with it. "It's like a toy!"

"I don't think it would be wise to make fun of the Martians or their vehicles and technology." Dr. Possible said.

"Ah, quiet, all we need is a couple of fly swatters to take on these aliens," an astronaut said while tapping the glass like a fish tank. "Look, they're kinda cute..."

One Martian came out, very angry and annoyed.

"How much harm could these little guys do anyway?" the astronaut asked.

The Martian then took out a laser gun and vaporized the astronaut.

"Biff!" the other astronaut ran over. "Speak to me, chum!"

The first astronaut reduced to a pile of ash which made the other astronaut throw a tantrum before passing out.

"See? This is why we need to treat everyone and every alien with respect." Dr. Possible said.

The Martians began to invade the planet and zapping everything in their path like in the movies. And where everyone started to panic.

"Come on, Possible, you're a scientist!" the commander said to the ingenious man. "What do we do?!"

"Oh, um, I don't know actually..." Dr. Possible sounded lost for once.

"Come on, use that brain of yours, you worthless egghead!" the commander grew angry and impatient. He was then soon acting like a child.

Back on Mars, Peep was watching Wade and Atticus work as she approved of what they were doing and felt very blessed. After a while; the two were finally finished getting the engine started again. Jerry then turned the key in the ignition and they were now good to go. Once they heard that, Atticus then put the hood back on.

"Good to go, guys." Wade gave a thumb's up.

"Alright, now to Earth!" Patch cheered.

"Let's go then!" Peep replied as she got back into the saucer to take them down to the third planet from the sun.

Atticus, Mo, Cherry, Casper, Kim, Ron, and Rufus all then followed after them. The saucers were landing on the stage after the earth people were running amuck out of fear and panic. And where the commander was starting to fight the scientist like an idiot.

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