chapter 2

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Later that day, Patch came to Cherry and Atticus as they were playing video games while the puppy had been gone to check on Tom and Jerry for his little activity.

"Hey, guys." Patch smiled.

"Hey." Atticus smiled to him.

"Hi." Cherry said quickly as her eyes seemed to be glued to the screen as her thumbs mashed the game controller buttons.

"Who's winning?" Patch asked.

"Cherry is, but not for long." Atticus smirked as he got back in the game.

"Maybe in your craziest dreams." Cherry replied as she looked very focused on the game and seemed to ignore everything else all around her.

"Time for the combo I learned online." Atticus smiled.

"You wish." Cherry glanced back at him.

Atticus began to do the combo he learned and wasn't slowing down for a minute.

"YouTube video?" Cherry guessed from where he learned the combo as he used it in the game to beat her.

"Yep." Atticus nodded.

"Figures..." Cherry mumbled.

"Yep and I got you beat." Atticus smirked.

Cherry rolled her eyes. "My life is over..."

Patch rolled his eyes himself, he never understood how humans could be so obsessed with video games. Atticus finished off the game with a finishing move. Cherry folded her arms while Atticus did a victory dance.

"Alright, boy, what's new with Tom and Jerry?" Atticus then asked his puppy.

"Robyn's going to Space Camp with Dr. Possible, the father of Kim Possible." Patch said.

"That's awesome." Atticus smiled.

"Tell her we said to have fun with that." Cherry added.

"I sure will." Patch smiled.

"Doesn't Kim go to school with Jessica or something?" Cherry asked. "I know she's in high school, she goes on adventures too, but she's famous, unlike us."

"Actually, we are famous in the newspapers." Patch said.

"You know what I mean..." Cherry said. "She has her own website."

"Yeah, you're right, she does." Atticus said.

"I've always wanted to meet Kim and Ron myself," Patch said. "I heard a lot of kids in Darla's school talk about them when I came for show and tell that one time."

"Oh, yeah, wasn't that the time you and Lucky were dressed up as ballerinas wearing wigs and lipstick?" Atticus smirked.

"Don't push it..." Patch glared slightly.


Patch and Lucky were getting all dressed up by Dot and Darla.

"You guys are gonna look great for show and tell!" Dot beamed to Lucky.

"It'll be the best show and tell project ever!" Darla agreed.

"We look embarrassing." Patch grumbled.

"Nonsense, you look beautiful!" Dot said as she hugged both of the dogs.

We then cut forward to the classroom...

"And, like, that is why you should totally try this hairspray," Brittany said as she had a can of her favorite product. "It'll keep your hair as glossy, and fabulous, and elegant as mine!" she then smiled smugly as she sprayed a bunch of the spray in her hair, but made her classmates cough from the excessive use.

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