Chapter 12

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Howdy people? :D

Dedicated to: @NightmareAtBay!
I had this one coming for a while now. Thank you for being one of my first and also most constant reader, for making me feel that this story is worth telling and also for encouraging me to write when I decided to shelve it! Thank you Nighty! :D

Okay! Now you can enjoy the story, I shall not bug you guys anymore!



I pound down on the brakes as I spot a familiar house, my racing heart slowing it's pace to normal human rate. The very sight of my house gives me a sense of relief, the sense of being away from people and away from everything that haunts me.

I park the car and walk up to the door, fishing for the keys under the old shoe box by the side, as I find no lights inside the house. Once I lay my hands on the cold metal, I grab it and place it in the keyhole and with one twist of my wrist, the door opens. I place the keys in the tiny case on the table and head upstairs.

Once I freshen up and change into a comfortable nightgown, I begin to get restless and the need to sleep overpowers me. I quickly turn off the lights and try to shut out the world, allowing sleep to take me to a land, far away from reality, a beautiful land of dreams...

I wake up the next morning in a numb trance, completely unaware of my surroundings and devoid of any senses or emotions. I blink hard twice, trying to force the sleep out of my eyes.

I hurry downstairs, after I finish up all my daily chores and put on some decent clothes and grab my ocean blue hoodie. All I hope is for this day to be better and less- no, completely devoid of drama!

"Morning mama!" I greet with a smile so vibrant, I surprise myself.

"Morning hon! You okay? Last night, you were asleep by the time I got home."

"Yeah mom. I'm fine. Just a little tired." I shrug off.

I delve into breakfast which is a bowl of cornflakes and milk, giving me a sense of a non-existent diet. Amidst the tiny chatter with mom, I finish breakfast and bid goodbye, rushing to the bus stop. I reach college in time for the second class, walk in and mutter faint greetings to Lin and a few others and excuse myself to a corner seat from where the view of the teacher is miniscule. The day sure is gonna be long...

At long last, the day is done! The emotional void I have, multiplies ten fold as I drag myself through the cumbersome activities of another humdrum college day.


I reach the tuition building, park my car and run up the stairs. Walking down the corridor I spot a guy, wearing beige beach shorts and a black tee standing by the tiny window, outside the class. As I walk towards the room, I feel his eyes hawking my every step, making me uncomfortable and I bend down, pretending not to notice him and disappear into the room.

Something is definitely weird about him.

I look around for Phoebe but there's no trace of her. So I just decide to sit beside another girl, who seems to be giving out a friendly vibe.

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