Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Hope you all are enjoying the book so far!

Dedicated to @AstraMeir for the beautiful cover! Thank you so much sweetie!❤



What comes easy won't last and what lasts, won't come easy! I think I learned this the hard way, like most of the other lessons in life.

When I walked away, the last glimpse I saw of Jack, broke me down. He had always, only been the reason for my smile and I made him cry. I shouldn't have told him anything, not that it would help, but maybe some things are best, hidden... At least we won't have to face the harsh consequences of the truth!

Sighing, I make my way to my classroom, looking like life has just been drained from me. I try to scurry to the back so I can slip away unnoticed, but as I proceed I bump into Michelle.

Michelle Green is my roll order partner! She was my first 'new' friend in college, and we bonded pretty well. She seemed to be this weird combination of 'crazy-sane' which I quite like about her and most of all, she is levelheaded. She is someone with whom you can have an honest conversation without having to listen to half-arsed lies, just to please you! That's another thing, she never tries to please anybody!

'Do I need any more reasons to like this girl?'

"Amy darling!" She greets with a smile, highlighting her eyes with a sparkle. She always screams life, fun and everything nice. Everyone likes her, well pretty much everyone, for she is real and honest!

That's a hard combination if I'm to say, cause sometimes to be nice we must hide the truth, the truth that might not be 'nice', and saying hard truth makes you no longer nice, so it pretty much leaves you stuck in between the devil and the sea.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I see Michelle waving her hands in my face with an amused expression.

"Oh, hey Michelle." I greet with a half-hearted smile and attempt to slip away to the back, when she grabs my arm and turns me around.

"Why don't you sit with me today? It's been a while since that happened." She says with a warm smile, one that hints she could see through the fake smile, the pain hidden and the tears threatening to surface. I'm in no mood to argue, so I nod and sit down beside her.

I notice the majority of the students leaving for their Spanish and other language classes. Linda, Laura and almost the whole gang chose Spanish while I was the only one who chose French in that group.

I turn around, shifting uncomfortably in my seat when I spot a familiar face, Betty! I didn't know she takes French. I make a mental note to focus more around me rather than get embarrassed every time I tell my classmates I don't know them.

The teacher walks in, her hair in a neat braid and her skirt looking pret- ah, it's the least of my concerns now.

I bend down into the book and shut my eyes, hoping to forget everything and maybe, get some sleep. After about five minutes, I hear Michelle calling my name out, so I turn to her and smile, a goofy one.

"You sleeping?" She asks, trying to control her laughter.

"No, pole-dancing." I respond sleepily with a grumpy face.

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