Chapter 5

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Special dedication: ILoveHotCoconuts2! Thanks a lot for your sweet,encouraging messages and the votes. Means a lot! You made my day sweetheart! <3

New chapter! Enjoy! ^_^



I go to the locker, take my books and head to the first class. I see Lin sitting alone at a desk, and run up to her. She looks pleased to see me early.

"Amy! You're early! Now that's a wonder!" She mocks, but there's something about her tone that proves she's faking the happiness. I wonder why?

"I know right. Surprise!" I yell throwing my hands up in the air, trying to cheer her up, earning a giggle from her.

"So where's the gang?" I ask, curious as to why she's sitting all by herself.

"Not a clue. Uh... Anyways how come you're early Ams?" She giggles and smoothly changes the topic, perking up my suspicions. I've gotta find out what's wrong!

"All thanks to our math teacher!" I say, rolling my eyes and she starts laughing. What is so funny!? I shoot her a glare. This ought to shut her up, or so I thought! It most definitely doesn't. She just continues to laugh harder now. Great!

"Lin, what's so funny?" I ask staring hard at her with a straight face, and she bursts out laughing like a maniac. Great! Is she OK!? I highly doubt.

"Lin!" I yell, frustrated at her incessant laughing. Finally, she sobers down from her laughing fit, which is a huge relief.

"Sorry Ams! It's just that I told you to stay away from trouble with Mr Nathan, and now I can't help but think how great he is to get you to college on time!" She giggles. Seriously!?

I roll my eyes to her statement, but the truth is, she's right! If not for him, I'd never be early in my life, but I hate him for doing this to me. The feelings I get around him, his presence, his scent, his eyes and his stupid detention classes to top it all! It's a torture, he's a torture! I push the thoughts away, only to see Lin looking sad and bothered. I hate to see her sad, so after clearing my throat, I decide to talk about it.

"Lin! I know there's something bothering you and knowing you, you'll just decide to keep it within you and suffer. I can't let you do that. I've always told you, I'm there for you, whether you need me or not, and I stand by it. Just tell me what's the matter. You'll feel better when you let it out Lin." I say trying to comfort her. She looks at me, little tears starting to form in her eyes, which clenches my heart. Oh god! Is it something serious!?

"Amy... Its just that... " She starts but trails off.

"What Lin?" I ask, a little scared of what I'm about to hear. My mind's back at work, imagining every worst possibility. Is she pregnant or something!? Oh freak! What am I even thinking!? I divert back to the present and focus my attention on Lin.

"Amy... It-its... I'll talk about it later. Look," she says pointing to the door. I turn around to find the gang heading our way. I'm just glad that the bitch I hate the most, Stella, isn't in any of my classes. A tiny relief!

"Hey Amy!" Everyone greets in unison, a little curiosity evident in their voice.

"Hey everyone!" I greet back, and everyone rushes to their seats as they hear the teacher.

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