Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for the support! New chapter! ^_^

As I said, dedication to @arpita44! Thanks for all the support and sweet messages. Oh and also for adding my book to your reading list. Means a lot! <3 



I wake up the next morning, that huge smile still evident on my face. I had an amazing sleep, and feel super active right now. I quickly brush up and ran downstairs. Mom's in the kitchen.

"Morning mom!" I yell with a beaming smile on my face, and walk up to her, kiss her cheeks and sit on the counter top.

"Somebody seems to be a lot happy today! Look at that beaming smile and beautiful glow! What's special?" She asks excitedly, for which I frown.

What does she mean by that?

"Mom! What do you mean? I just had an amazing sleep after a long time." I simply reply.

"Oh... That's the reason?" She asks, clearly fishing for something.

"Yes mom! Stop ruining my mood and get me some food. I'm early today, so I'll be going with Natty, and I'll be back late." I finish and pick up the plate with toasts and pancakes that mom made. I walk out of the kitchen, open the fridge and spot the syrup. But something else catches my eyes almost instantly!

Ice cream!!!

I take the tub out and look around for mom. She'll definitely lose her mind if she catches me eating it, first thing in the morning. Making sure there's no one, I grab the spoon and dive in. After about 15minutes, I'm half way into the tub with ice cream messily coated around my cheeks, chin, lips, practically half of my face!

"Amy!" I shriek at that sound and turn around in a flash.

"John! Shut it! Mom's gonna kill me if she hears o-" I start whining, which is a huge mistake.

"There's only one way out." He cuts me off with a devilish smirk on his stupid face!

What's he up to!?

"John, what do you want? Quit fooling around." I state plainly, annoyed at his games. I'm not in a mood for it. Great! The 'happy me' from a while ago is now nowhere around!

"Sharing is caring." He finishes with a grin. My frustration erupts in a loud groan, startling him for a second.

"John! You know I don't like sharing." I pout, trying to persuade him.

"Well then. Moo-" He starts yelling, but a tight slap across his face stops him.

"Ouccchhh!" He cries out, holding onto his cheeks, as I spot faint red lines appearing on his cheeks.

"Amy! You!" He launches himself in my direction. I quickly move away and he ends up hitting the wall. I burst into a fit of laughter.

"John. Last chance! Want it or no!?" I hold out the tub. He starts thinking and runs to the kitchen.

What the hell is he upto now?

I quickly get the answer to it, when I see him return with a spoon and we both dig in.

"Amy! John!" We both jolt at the shrill call of our names. We look up to meet a very furious mom! Oh oh...

"What do you -" Mom begins to yell at us furiously, but I cut her off, though I know it's not a good idea.

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