Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! Here's the next chapter. Hope u guys are enjoying it. Lemme know of what u think!



Crap crap crap, holy crap!

I slowly turn around to face...

Mr Nathan! Damn!

Mr Nathan is our super hot Math teacher. He's in his late twenties. All the girls in college drool over him. Who wouldn't!? He's everything a girl dreams of. Tall, chiseled physique, broad shoulders, sexy sculpted face, perfect jawline and a very sexy deep voice to perfect it! His hair a little messy gives him a rugged look which suits his personality.

"Miss Ross! Haven't seen you in a while. May I know the reason!?" His deep voice snaps me out of my trance, and I realize something... The first class today was math! Fuck!

"Miss Ross!?" He gives me a stern look with annoyance pretty evident on his face.

"Uhh... Good morning sir! I haven't been feeling well a-a lately s-so I-I..-" I stutter like an idiot. I don't know if it is his hotness or me being a terrible liar that makes me stammer.

"The same excuse always Miss Ross." He cut me off from my rubbish banter ,saving me from further embarrassment.

I bite my lower lip. I just didn't know what to say. He's right. I've missed a lot of his classes lately. It's a surprise he even remembers me. But most of his classes are during the first hour and that's the problem.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'll be regular from now. I promise," is all I manage to say.

"That's no good Miss Ross. You've skipped way too many classes and there's only one way you can make up for it!"

Aghhh! Not another imposition work! I have enough to do already.

"What do I have to write sir?" I ask nervously. He's a pretty strict teacher so he's definitely not gonna spare me just like that.

"Detention! After class... Be there." With that, he's gone! He didn't even give me a chance to respond.

Great! Just great! After all that happens in my life, this is all that is needed to complete it!

Cursing my luck, I walk out of the cafeteria but Lin is nowhere to be found. I figure she'd have gone to class as it's real late and hurriedly, I run off to class.


'Finally! The day is done. I'll just go home and jump into bed.' Me and Lin start walking out of class, mental images of my bed already clouding my head. I text Nat to let her know class is done.

Babes! Will be at the gates. Come soon!

With this, I throw my phone into my bag cause I know she'll take about 15minutes to check her phone.

As I'm heading out of class, something clicks in my dumb head. Mr Nathan's words... "Detention! After class... Be there."

Damn! How can I be this big an idiot? How did I forget? My memory sucks and it's official now!

"Lin! I totally forgot to mention. I bumped into Mr Nathan at the cafeteria in the morning and he was pretty pissed. Anyways, I have detention after class. So gotta go! Bye... See ya tomorrow Lin!" I hug her and turn to leave.

The Unattractive GuyWhere stories live. Discover now