Chapter 13- Part 1

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Hey peeps! How you doin? :D

This chapter is dedicated to @Geniuslyblunt for all the support! Thank you cappie! Words can't express my gratitude :D



My last encounter with Nathan was something I dreaded from the day I witnessed their kiss, but it ended up worse than I ever imagined. I slapped him!

I slapped him!

The reality, as it sunk in, ripped me apart. And all of this, only because I could not hold back, letting my infatuation get the better of me.

And the glorious result? I was left all alone, heartbroken, betrayed and feeling emptier than ever.

I contemplated a lot on this. How can something or someone that brought immense joy by their mere presence be the reason for this state of mine? The shattered remains of my heart was just his plaything! I may be a little girl, my problems may not be big enough to shake the Earth nor my words worth a second thought, but that does not mean I can be taken for granted always! I have a heart and that's important to me. I care for it! Nobody walks away with a grim smile on their stupid face, after tampering with it! I guess, Nathan got that the hard way...

The days that followed were really hard, my sole aim was to avoid his blue eyes and any chance to be with him alone, again. I hated the very thought of spending time, looking into those once captivating eyes. But as life has it, hard times come to an end, or at least, take a break!

Today is Sunday! The day I'm equipped with a mission, a mission to fix broken hearts, a mission to undo my mistake, a mission to give my best friend the greatest gift of them all, the perfect guy! In short- Natty and Jack's date, that is, excluding my official third-wheeling.

I am so excited for this day, that I've been planning like crazy, as pleasing Nat isn't as easy as it sounds. I decide to let my life out of the picture for a day and focus on them.

I text Jack of the place and time, specifically mentioning to be on time, as Natty hates waiting! Well, she only waits for me as she is tired of lecturing me and doesn't seem to spot a ray of hope, of me changing. I wish I could, I'm just too lazy to try...

I receive a new text.

I'm nervous.


I cannot help but laugh out on reading this, it's too adorable! But I quickly realize, I have to stop being an ass and calm him down. At this rate, he won't even last until he meets Nat! He'll chicken out right now. So I start typing a reply.

Hey! Don't worry! You just be there, alright? And I'll make sure she won't rip your head apart! I promise, okay? :P

With that sent, I assume he should be fine and decide to grab some breakfast when I hear the phone buzz. New text!


Oh god! He is freaking out like he just heard she's got three heads, protruding kidneys and eyeballs that shoot fire!

Calm down Jack! As I said, I'll be there! Just be yourself and don't freak out! She'll do that plenty for the both of you! :D
Oh and one thing, don't be late! Cya! :3

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