Chapter 6

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Hey there my lovely readers! Here's the new chapter and don't forget to check out the author's note at the end of the chapter.

Special dedication: @Hollycat558, @arpita44, @blondehazzard, @HazmanH! Thank you so much for your reads, votes, comments and messages. Means a lot and lots and lots of love to you all! It really made my day.  



I wake up feeling refreshed and with a beaming smile on my face! I haven't slept this well in a long time. The sun rays streaming in through the curtain leaving a golden glint on the wall. The smile I had a while ago is immediately replaced by a frown, followed by shock as I take a look at the clock. I'm late! Crap! A great start indeed!

I hurriedly run to freshen up and bath. Once done with it, I ransack through my closet and just put on whatever I can find. I have to hurry up. I run downstairs, stuff myself with a sandwich and gulp some cranberry juice in a jiffy.

"Amy! Slow down. You'll choke yourself." Mom yells clearly bewildered at the way I'm having breakfast!

"Mom, I'm getting real late. No time to slow down! Okay, see ya Mom! Bye! Love you!" I shout as I rush out the door and pace through the streets. I reach the bus stop finally, and looking around realise that there's no bus for another hour! Cursing my luck, I decide to sit down and wait, for I've no choice really.

As I sit, I can't help but think how different things are gonna be. No gang, no Lin, no more fights and problems and no more self-centered friends. I just have to find someone to hang around with. I'm pretty sure I can do that.

After multiple confusing train of thoughts, and random stalking of passerby strangers, the bus arrives.

I reach the college gates and looking into my phone, find some time left before my next class begins and head to the locker to get my books. Walking closer to my locker, my eyes widen and my heart shuts down in an unknown fear, as I spot Lin, who also telepathically looks at me. She starts stomping towards me, ready to explode.

"Amy! What the hell is wrong with you? Are you out of your mind? What did you even mean by that text?" She just bombards me with questions at a shot, that I take a step back and gasp. It's clear that she wants answers, and she's definitely making it harder on me.

"Hey Lin! Morning, or should I say 'Early afternoon'?" I just say with a chuckle, that earns me a hard-core frown from her. I sigh as I see the hard road ahead.

"Amy! What the hell is wrong with ya? Answer the damn question!" She yells, completely frustrated that she starts stomping around me.

"Lin, just listen to me. I've already given you everything you need to know and honestly, I'm tired of all this! I need a change! We need a change. Let's leave all this behind us and move on. We're getting late. Let's go?" I ask, with a hopeful smile.

"Am-" Lin starts but I cut her off.

"We're getting late. Let's go." I start  walking, hoping she'll follow and put an end to this uncomfortable discussion. My heart silently leaps as she starts to follow me. Thank god!

I walk into class and just look around for a place to sit. I spot a girl alone on a bench, a strange sense of familiarity to her face. I've seen her around but I did not know her name. Basically I'm terrible with names, I forget them in a second. Now's my chance to change that. I walk up to her.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask with a hearty smile.

"No, not at all. You can sit here." She mumbles and flashes me a cheeky smile.

The Unattractive GuyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang