Chapter 9

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Hey everyone! :D
Long wait so no more delay.
New chapter's up. Hope you enjoy it!

But please do check out the author's note at the end without fail!

Enjoy! ^_^



"Good morning class!" He greets.

I stand, stunned for a good five seconds just staring at him, with pure disgust evident in my eyes. The very thought of him makes me sick and his once sexy voice, now feels like an annoying prick!

However, I quickly manage to compose myself, and sit down for I want nothing to do with him anymore, especially getting caught and having to face him alone! I dread that now more than ever.

The once sweet torture is now a mere painful torture...

He begins the lesson on 'trigonometry' and I avert my eyes to anywhere but him, which is pretty impossible as he's the teacher!

After endless attempts to distract myself, I accidentally look at him and catch his eyes on me. I could see them beaming with happiness on locking with mine, and quickly avert my eyes, only to see his face fall after a few seconds but he regains composure and continues class in a subtle tone.

After an hour of dreading and internally whining, the bell signals the end of his class. All I want is to just get out of here before he spots me, and to my luck, a bunch of students occupy him with some questions. 'Thank heavens!' I take​ the chance and quickly run out, without a second glance.

I'm now sitting at the cafeteria with a cup of coffee in front of me, due to my decision to skip the second hour. An entire hour of avoiding his intense stare and pretending to be fine, drained me out. The place is almost empty, except for a few seniors of the adjoining University, chatting and whiling away their time.

"Hey!" Greets Jack, as he appears beside the table I am seated in.

"Hey Jack..." I trail off, unable to think of what to say.

"Somebody's low today." He says with a make-believe serious face.

"Nah Jack. Just... you know... the usual," is all I can manage.

"That's OK, Amy! You don't have to tell me. I won't force you." He assures with a smile.

"I better get to cleaning and setting up stuff before everyone gets here. Enjoy your coffee Amy!" He replies and then turns to leave.

"Jack!" I call out. I walk up to him and throw my arms around him hugging him tight, and stay that way for a few seconds, the warmth of his body relaxing me and then pull back and smiled at him, a genuine one!

"Thank you!" I utter and walk back to my seat.

I get half-way into my coffee mug, deep in thoughts when I notice something... or someone!

The very sight of that person makes me cringe. I couldn't forget anything at that moment. Everything hit me like a fast replay, and I decide to get up and leave before my 'fake smile' fades and tears began.

I walk out of the cafeteria in quick strides hoping...

"Hey Amy?" Calls the voice.

That didn't happen!

"Uh... Hey Miranda!" I try to chirp in a fake enthusiastic voice. Yeah, she knew me which made this even harder to take!

"Amy, long time!" She comes​ up to me and bear hugs me, then releasing with a grin.

The Unattractive GuyWhere stories live. Discover now