Stealing something from the nerd

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You got dressed and ate breakfast. As you were walking to school you saw Niall with his friends and they all laughed and he kind of looked embarrassed. You walked over to him. "N-niall" you squeaked. He turned around and so did his friends. "What?" He asked annoyed. You walked up to him and kissed him.

(Y/N)'s pov

He pushed me off. His friends laughed and he just smirked. Tears were threatening to spill. "You know what Niall? He didn't manage to get my bra, do you want to know why?! He got caught." You yelled. Niall went wide eye and his friends went quiet. Everyone was looking at Niall, then whispering began.

You walked away with tears running down your cheeks. Niall had mixed feelings at the moment, he was embarrassed, furious, and guilty. The bell rung but you didn't care you wanted to crawl into a hole and cry your eyes out. Niall didn't know whether or not to go after you, all his friends had walked away from Niall.

Nialls pov

She ruined my reputation... I feel angry at her... But I can't hurt her, deep down, I have a crush on (Y/N). She makes me feel so many emotions that are impossible to describe. But even though she makes me feel so many emotions, the one that stands out is destorying her and making her mine. (Y/N) is innocent... And I want to be the one who takes it away from her. I don't think that will happen because I made a dick move. I have to get her back.

(Y/N)s pov

The tears kept flowing and you had stopped at a park. You sat down at a bench that was close to a lake. Not a lot of people where at the park since it was 11 am. A gentle breeze came across your body which made goosebumps appear on your arms along with you slightly shivering. You couldn't believe that you actually tried to kiss the Niall Horan. That was a really stupid move, of course he would reject you, at least you tried. As you were deep in thought you didn't see or hear a person sit next to you.

You turned your head away from them. The person spoke, "I don't even know you but can I just spill my feelings about my life to you?" An irish voice spoke. You nod and he sighed, "Thanks, Well, I made a dick move to this nerd who is girl, I pushed her away from me when she tried to kiss me. I'm selfish and care about myself, her name is (Y/N) I have 5 classes with her but everytime I see her a part of my heart goes soft and my guard goes down. She makes me feel squishy inside, I glance at her every so often and I've seen somethings she does, like when she doesn't get something and gets stuck on a question she always mouths it and plays with the ends of her hair. Then if she's really concentrate her tongue shows a little and then she bites her lip. Also when the teacher calls on her without her even raising her hand she looks at her paper and quietly says the answer. Everyone has her eyes on her, (Y/N) doesn't like being in the center of attention. Especially during math she aces everything. I remember when our teacher assigned her to tutor me and she was flawless up close. We almost kisses but my phone went off and it was a text from a girl that I used to fuck with a lot. I told (Y/N) I had to go and I looked into her eyes, all I saw was hurt, she didn't want me to leave." Niall sighed and continued, "(Y/N) always treated me kindly while I treated her like shit. Even when I had my mood swings she looked annoyed but she dealt with me. I also asked some of the other girls to sleep with me so I could clear my mind, I never asked (Y/N) even though I desperately wanted to. I was scared. (Y/N) is so much different from all the other girls. I wish I could tell her how I feel." Out of the corner of your eye you saw Niall burying his face into his hands.

"Niall, you just did." The words flowed out of your mouth smoothly. Niall looked up from his hands and was in shock. "(Y/N).." He hugged you tightly and snuggled his head into your chest. You awkwardly hugged back. Niall inhaled your scent, "I'm sorry for being a dick to you." He pulled away and cupped your face. "(Y/N), I realized I made a huge mistake. Maybe stealing your undergarments was weird and spilling my feelings to you even though I didn't know it was you... But all of it made me realize that, I-Im in love with you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You blushed, "I c-cant believe you said that Niall..." He smiled and kissed you softly. "You're mine now." He mumbled against your lips.


I'm a horrible person *cries* I haven't updated in forever!!!! 
After this imagine I'll post another imagine yay!!! I'll make it up :)

I hope you like the ending. ^°^ I'm not sure if its good or not...

I was thinking about doing a face reveal.... Comment if you think I should. Thanks :D

Thanks for being loyal and reading my imagines, I love you all

Bye~bye my roses🌹


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