He likes your twin more (Part 2)

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As you ran up the stairs you heard yelling. The sounds weren't coming to you right as you got to your room you shut the door and sobbed. A few minutes later you heard a knock. "Love its me Liam, can i come in?" You opened the door and looked at Liam. He hugged you tightly and shut the door. "W-what happened?" You hiccupped. "Well..." Liam trailed off.

*Liam has a flashback*

"What is wrong with you guys?!? Al you do is pick on her and say negative things that make her feel miserable! (Y/N) has never done anything to you guys. Never has she once called any of you names or said mean things to your face. You all made her insecure about her looks, the way she dresses, and hows she not like her twin sister! I'm ashamed to say I even know you people! Also to say that I'm in one direction and that I'm friends with you people makes me feel sick because you treat (Y/N) like shit, and you!" Points to (Y/S/N). "You should be standing up for your sister! But no, you like being a spoiled brat who gets everything she wants and everyone loves, but did you think about how your sister felt? (Y/N) had no one, not even her own brother to comfort her when she would come home from school crying because she was bullied by her own sister and her friends! Niall you did absolutely nothing at all, seems as if you head was shoved so far up your ass that you never saw (Y/N)'s sadness. Not once did you ever ask if she was ok or buy her something. If I was her I would be in my room all day because what does she need down here? Nothing, because she is treated like she's worthless piece of shit. In her room she's in her own world where she is appreciated and loved. Niall, tell me one thing you bought (Y/N) this year?" Niall was silent and looked down. Liam chuckles, "Let me guess. Nothing? At least (Y/N) got what she wanted which was only a video game for $40. While this brat got what? A bunch of clothes, make up, a new phone. Which I'm sure was over $100?" Everyone was silent and didn't say anything. "I'm disgusted to be in the same house as you people. I hope you guys are happy." With that Liam went to your room.

"I love you Liam" You said as you snuggled into his chest. "I love you to (Y/N)." Liam kissed your forehead and you slowly closed your eyes. "Stop! I'm sorry! That I'm in your life and make everything miserable." You sobbed, another nightmare. You woke up and felt a drop of water on your cheek. "Y-Y/N" Niall softly stuttered. "N-niall what are you doing h-here" you questioned. "Liam's right" he cries "I've been a shitty brother to you. (Y/N) you are beautiful and I'm sorry I never paided attention to you. I promise I'll make it up to you. If somewhere in your heart you will find the kindness to forgive me for everything I have done to you, I'll be very happy." Niall said meaning every word. "I forgive you Niall." Niall's eyes lit up and he smiled big. "Thank you so much (Y/N)." He kissed your cheek. You gently wiped his tears with your thumb and hugged him tightly.

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