Why? (Part 1)

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(Y/N)'s pov

His laughter. His smile. His eyes. Everything about him gets to me. He makes me happy. He is my soon to be step-brother, Niall Horan. I know its wrong but I can't help it. I have to tell him soon. I can't see him with any other girl. It may sound selfish but its true. But I think I know he doesn't see me the same way I do, because why in the world would their step-brother like them back? That's only in movies or books. I sighed and buried my face into my (color) soft pillow. I heard my door open and the side of my bed slowly sink down because of the weight. "(Y/N)..." Once I heard my name spill out from the brunette Irish boy I spaced out thinking about being with him but that would never happen. I was taken out of my daydream by Niall shaking me and saying my name over and over. "Yeah? Sorry I was thinking about something." Niall looked at me and smiled. "First, what were you thinking about?" He smirked, "A boy? And second I was saying that my girlfriend is coming over for dinner. So don't be crazy and act nice to her for me, okay?" Every muscle in my body just lost all its feeling. His g-girlfriend? I felt empty, I shouldn't tell him then... It would be awkward anyways. "O-okay..." I tried not to stutter but failed. He tilted his head slightly to the left, "(Y/N), are you okay, I'm here for you." He placed his hand on my arm while smiling softly. "I-I like someone...but they will-" My mom cut me off by saying we all had to get ready for dinner. I got out of bed while fixing my covers. "We're going to finish our talk about this an hour after dinner, I promise." He held out his pinky and I linked mine with this. "Okay." I unlinked my pinky from his and wrapped my arms around Niall one last time because who knows when I'll be able to hug him again with his girlfriend being around. He was surprised at first but hugged back. "Get ready, she'll be here any minute." He said and pulled away. I faked a smile while closed the door as he left the room. I changed into a simple sundress and did my hair. I didn't feel like putting makeup on so I went downstairs and there she was. Niall's girlfriend. "Oh, here she is, this is my step-sister, (Y/N), this is Adriana." I smiled and shook her hand. She was flawless.... her eyes were a hazel, brown hair that was curled and stopped midway at her back, she was a nice tan, perfect teeth when she smiled, her makeup was perfect, she had curves, but she was skinny still. "Hi, It's nice to finally meet you. Niall has told me a bit about you." She smiled and looked at Niall. Niall smiled back, "Yeah, just in case you ever meet her." He kissed her cheek while my heart was slowly breaking. Dinner was ready and everyone sat at the table.

*After Dinner*

I told everyone goodnight then went into my bedroom. I checked the time, 8:30. I changed into sweats and an oversized shirt. My mom and her boyfriend walked in saying they were going out tonight and that they already told Niall and Adriana. I simply nodded and they left. I climbed into my bed with my phone and headphones. I settled in under the covers when I heard laughter. I began to tear up because now I can't have Niall to myself and I knew that from the beginning when I first met him, also he broke his promise he said that he'll be here an hour after dinner but everyone breaks promises. Right? As I was thinking about how Niall will  never be mine. I put my headphones on blast that night while silently crying. I took off my headphones when I heard silence then paused my music. I stared up at the white ceiling still having Niall lingering in my mind.

Niall's pov

Adriana went home around 12 am. I'm so tired after all the make out sessions, smiles, laughter, and endless cuddles. As I was making my way up to my room, I passed (Y/N)'s room. Fuck... I forgot... I knocked on her door softly, "(Y/N), Hey, can I come in, I know you're mad at me..." Silence. I turned the knob, locked. I heard sniffing, was she crying? I knocked a little harder this time. "(Y/N)! Open up. You're making me worried. You would've answered the door by now. Or maybe not... Look (Y/N), I don't know if you're listening but I'm sorry okay. I thought my dad and your mom were gonna stay so Adriana was gonna leave but she stayed... I'm sorry that I broke the promise when I made it... Forgive me? I'll try not to let it happen again." I heard the bed creak and footsteps come closer to the door. I sighed softly knowing she was okay and that she heard me. (Y/N) unlocked the door and slowly it opened to reveal darkness. "(Y/N) can we talk now about who you like?" I looked at the darkness. I heard her say sure but it was a whisper. I walked in and turned the light on. (Y/N) sat on her bed with her head down. I sat next to her. "So are you gonna ask the boy, you like out?" I questioned. "No...because he will never like me back." She croaked out. I was right, she has been crying. "Is that why you've been crying?" She nods. "Why won't he like you back?" (Y/N) replied, "His heart is taken by someone else." I frowned and pulled her close to me. "He seems to be blind because you are beautiful inside and out, (Y/N). Don't let anybody tell you different. What's his name?" (Y/N) tensed up when I asked about the boys name. "H-his name? It's... uh... Nick..." She stuttered. "(Y/N) you're lying, you stutter when you lie, just tell me I won't get mad." I spoke. "I can't tell you because you'll never see me the same.. I'm sorry." She softly says. I sigh and gently set her down on the bed. "Im gonna go to bed. Night (Y/N)." I kissed her cheek and left.

*2 days later*

(Still Niall's pov)

(Y/N) had been very distant lately. After that talk two days ago she doesn't talk to me. It's only, if shes around her mom or my dad. When it was just me and her she would be in her room blasting music. My dad and her mom left today again so I took this chance to talk with (Y/N). As she was leaving to go to her room I grabbed her wrist gently. "We need to seriously talk about you. You've been avoiding me for the past 2 days. This isn't you (Y/N). What happened to you? Is it that boy because I can do whatever you want me to do to him. I just miss having the happy, talkative, cute, funny, clumsy, playful (Y/N) around." I went wide eye as I realized I called her cute. "I mean cute in a friend way." I smiled. (Y/N) began to tear up. "Do you really wanna know who broke my heart and made me this way?" She questioned. "Yes I do, I wanna help you feel better." (Y/N) looked down and retorted, "Im sorry, but you can't help me feel better because you're the one who broke my heart Niall." Tears streamed down her cheek while she took a deep breath." I knew when I met you, that I love you, but you would never see me the same way which means that I can never have you, so I have to face that. It's reality, not a movie or a book. I'm in love with you Niall James Horan." I was shocked, (Y/N) loves me... The door bell rung and I asked who it was. "It's Adriana!" I open the door and there stood my girlfriend looking not so happy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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