Chapter 5: First in counter with the Demon of the mist.

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Carson's P.O.V

I was done with a third of my book when I heard Naruto's loud voice. "Wow it's huge!!" Naruto yelled and I made a quick hand sign. "Wind style: wind blades." I muttered under my breath and the wind blade hit Naruto on the head. "Keep it down. There is a reason we're not using the motor of the boat." One of Tazuma's friends said. "Carson what chakra nature do you posses?" Kakashi asked me.

"Simple actually. I possess the wind, water, lighting, fire and earth. Then my Kekka genkai are shadow, crystal, blood, ice, snow, darkness, light and wood bending. I also have all of the three strongest eyes like the rinnegan, sharingan and byakugan." I said and everyone looked at me shocked. "Kakashi-sensei is it even possible for someone to posses that many natures and kekka genkai?" Sakura asked.

"It is possible but very rare. As for her kekka genkai... I don't know since you're twins you should have the same power yet you don't." Kakashi said and I looked at them. "Yes. Sometimes I wonder if we really are twins." I said as we reached land. Everything was fine until Naruto started randomly throwing his kunai's. One of them hit a tree and a white bunny came out.

"Look at what you have done Naruto. You scared the poor bunny." Sakura said and Naruto apologized. I looked at the bunny and my eyes widen. 'Something isn't right the only time a bunny has white fur in summer is when it was raised inside.' I thought to myself. I put my hand on the ground and felt a vibration of something heavy and it was heading towards us and fast.

"Duck." I yelled and everyone ducked while I jumped into one of the trees while the rest of team 7 stared at the blade from the ground. As I finished hiding my chakra a big sword lodged itself in the tree. There was a man standing on the sword. Ah so he's one of the seven swords men of the mist. I'm guessing he's Zabuza. I jumped down from my tree and landed before Sasuke giving him a fright.

"Nice sword Zabuza." I said and Kakashi looked at me. "You know him?" Kakashi asked and I shook my head. "I read about him in the bingo book seeing as I'm also in the bingo book." I said and Zabuza began to laugh. "Don't believe me. Let me show you. Does anyone have a bingo book?" I asked and Kakashi pulled out his bingo book. I opened up at Zabuza's page. "This is your profile Zabuza, bounty $300,000,000." I showed him and paged through the book.

"Now here I am and my bounty is $2 221,000,000,000." I said and his eyes widen. "How can one girl you age have that much of a bounty!" Zabuza asked me. "I don't know. All I know is that I have a bounty and with a high bounty comes the high rank." I said and Kakashi took his bingo book and his eyes widen and he looked at me. "Carson tell me. What rank are you?" Kakashi asked me.

"Me, in the bingo book I'm rank higher then Zabuza so I'm the top S-rank. In our village I surpassed the ANBU, hokage and the legendary three sannin, yet the third kept me at the rank of genin. The lord says it's to protect me." I said and Kakashi nodded. "That explains everything." Kakashi and I turned to Zabuza. "Zabuza can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded,

"Since your one of the best swordsman can you fight me just to see if I need to improve my swordsmanship." I said and Zabuza smiled. "Sure kid but where is your sword?" Zabuza asked. I took off my sword necklace. "Carson why are you talking it off? You never take it off." Sakura asked. "What is so important about that sword necklace of her?" Naruto asked.

"It's no ordinary necklace Naruto. You see Itachi gave it to me just before he left the village." I said and I could feel Sasuke tense behind me. "Sasuke you say Itachi was a bad man and that your going to kill him right but do you really know him like I do? While Sakura and her whore of a friend Ino tried to get your heart I asked and trained with Itachi. Before he left he gave me this sword necklace and told me how to use it and made me promise never to tell you why he did what he did." I said showing sadness.

"You know nothing of my brother Carson. Nothing!" Sasuke yelled at me. "I know him better then you do Sasuke." I said and went back to my emotionless face. I put a little bit of chakra into the sword and it grew 5 inches longer the Zabuza's sword. "Nice sword kid but let's see how well you can use it in battle." Zabuza said and attacked me only to be blocked and faced me. I pushed him back and quickly got behind him and held my sword in a smaller version to his throat.

"You're not as good as I thought but thanks. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to train for a bit and get the tracker ninja that's in that tree over there. The ninja just so happens to on your side as well." I whispered to Zabuza and Zabuza looked shocked. "How did you know? Nobody ever sensed Haku before." Zabuza said. "Since I'm the only one that knows I'm going to let it go and your going to face them as you planned. Oh and one more thing, if you looking for someone on this team to kill, kill the weak link which would be the girl with the pink hair." I said.

"Why are you telling me this?" Zabuza asked me. "You'd be doing me a favour and saving me time by killing my twin." I said with an emotionless face. "You would do that to your own sister?" Zabuza asked me and I smirked sadisticly. "You have no idea what I would do. I'll kill my entire team if it wasn't for a promise I made. Would you do me that favour?" I asked and Zabuza nodded. "Thanks." I said and let him go walking to a tree and jumped on the branch and sat down as I began to read my book further.

Sasuke's P.O.V

"Carson why didn't you kill him?" Naruto asked Carson. "I asked him if he could fight me so that I could see if I needed to improve my swordsmanship and I did. I never said that I would kill him. Besides what would be the fun in that." Carson said and smiled sadisticly with her eyes on her book. It creped me out a lot. "Now I'm sure you guys can handle this one by yourself. Let me know when your done." Carson said and continued reading.

Kakashi sighed and we turned and started to fight Zabuza. In the middle of our fight a hunter ninja came and killed Zabuza and took his body away. After the fight Kakashi fainted due to using too much of his sharingan. I walked over to Carson and tapped her on the shoulder. "We're done." I said and Carson closed her book and put it away. Carson stood up and started walking with Tazuma as Naruto and I carried Kakashi-sensei. Eventually we all made it to Tazuma's house.

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