Chapter 9: The chunnin exams part 1.

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***5 days later***

Haku's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of food. I stood up and got dressed and went to the kitchen and found Carson putting pancakes on the table. "Good morning Haku. I made breakfast but we need to hurry. Kakashi is waiting for us at the academy." Carson said and I nodded. We ate our breakfast and walked to the academy. Along the way we found the rest of our team. As we got to the academy I stopped. "I can't go with you guys any further. Kakashi and I will see you four on the third floor." I said and everyone nodded and I disappeared in to smoke.

Carson's P.O.V

"Let's go before they start the exam without us." I said and they nodded. We were walking up the staircase when all of the sudden something started changing. 'Genjutsu.' I said to myself. We came to the second floor when we saw a group of genin and two chunnin blocking the door. "Make way everyone." I said and they stepped aside. The kids at the academy was always afraid of me and I liked it that way. I saw a kid wearing a green spandex and a girl with two buns and a Huyga. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked and the kid with the green spandex turned around.

"We want..." He said but I cut him off. "Not you, you moron. I was talking to the two chunnin over there. Yeah I know you two are chunnin and I also know this is a genjutsu because this is only the second floor." I said and they broke the genjutsu. "Impressive but can you stop this?" The guy asked and went to kick me but the green spandex kid caught his kick. "Where did she go?" The guy asked. "Behind you." I said as I held my dagger to his throat. Everyone looked shocked. "Just who are you?" The guy asked. "If you want my name you would have to tell me yours first." I said letting him go.

"I'm Izumo and this is Katetsu." Izumo said. "You two are the guys that guard the gates. Nice to meet you. Bye." I said and started walking away. "Who are you?" The Huyga said. "It is only polite to introduce yourself before asking someone else their names... Neji Huyga." I said and started slowly walking away. I stopped and turned around. "Are you coming or not Naruto?" I asked and Naruto ran up to me and we kept walking.

Sasuke's P.O.V

I can't believe she almost left me behind. I was mad when she stopped and talked to Naruto. Sakura and I ran to catch up to them. We were walking in a comfortable silence with Carson in front. I was on her left and Naruto was on her right, leaving Sakura to stand behind Carson. We were at the academies battle ground when we were stopped again by the guy wearing green spandex. "What do you want now?" I asked and Carson stood there board as hell.

"You said it was polite to say my name first. I'm Rock Lee the handsome green beast of the leaf. I came to challenge you and Naruto for the love of Carson." Lee said and I got mad. "Forget it. I'm not interested but Sakura over here is up for grabs and you only have to fight Uchiha over there to win her love." Carson said and turned to Naruto. "Let's go. We aren't needed here Naruto." Carson said and they walked away to the staircase.

As they disappeared I started walking away until Lee was in front of me. "Move or we'll be late." I said and walk around him. Sakura and I walked until we got to where Kakashi, Haku, Naruto and Carson were waiting for us. "You guys finally made it. Great. Carson you'll be doing this exam on you own seeing as they only take teams of three." Kakashi-sensei said and Carson nodded. We walked in to the room and saw teams from the sound, rain, grass, stone villages and then there was Suna.

???'s P.O.V

"Sasuke-kun there you are. I thought you wouldn't make it." A blonde girl said clinging on to Sasuke for dear life. The girl next to the one with pink hair zoned out on what happened until she sense another teams guy was coming over. "Could you guys please shut your traps. We're here for an exam not socializing." She said and everyone except the blonde kept silent. "I meant you too you whore." She said and the girl kept quiet. "She's right. You guys need to be quiet." Kaboto said.

"And you are?" She asked uninterested. "I'm Kaboto nice to meet you. And you are?" Kaboto said and adjusted his glasses. "None of your business. What do you want?" She asked crossing my arms and the playing with the swords on her necklace. "I came to..." Kaboto began talking but she zoned him out and looked around. Just as Kaboto walked away a man walked in. "Everyone quiet down! Get ready we are starting the first exam." He said and everyone got a seating placement and she ended up next to Kaboto. When they started writing she put a genjutsu on the test and finished quickly.

Once they were all finished there were 27 teams remaining. Anko jumped through the windows and you could see her breast. "Anko your early." The man said. "Really Ibiki. 27 teams are remaining but don't worry I'll cut it down to size." Anko said and the girl from before snorted. "I doubt it. You dress yourself as a whore like barbie over there." She said and Anko throw a kunai straight at her. Everyone just got tensed. Just before the kunai reached her face she caught it bare handed and sighed. She throw the kunai back at Anko.

My eyes widened as you could hear Anko scream as the kunai cut her hand when she tried to catch the kunai. "Who are you? Your no genin." Anko said. 'What is she talking about. Why else would she be here if she wasn't a genin?' I asked myself. "I'm Carson Katherina DiMera and your right. I'm stronger then the sannin, the hokage, the ANBU and the jonin but it was the hokage's decision to keep me at genin and I respect his decision." Carson said. 'She will be one of my new subjects.' I said and smirked.

"Oh and one more thing. I'd be on my guard if I were you all. If you haven't noticed it yet Orochimaru is in the village dressed like one of the teams sensei's." Carson said and my eyes widened. 'How could she have known I was here. I was hiding my chakra very well. I even got past the ANBU. Just who is she?' I asked myself. Everyone stared at her and she sighed. "I'll meet you all at the forest of death tomorrow. I need to go talk to the hokage. Oh and Anko you might want to watch it. Next time I will be using advanced poison that I created and only I will be able to cure it." Carson said and walked away.

"I'm sorry for my sisters behavior today." The girl with pink hair said. "Sakura didn't you hear what Carson said on our last mission. She said and I quote 'When we get home and you're still fucking alive tell your mother and father that the Carson they knew died on the mission because your not my sister anymore! When we return I'm going to the hokage to get my own apartment! I will no longer be Carson Katherina Haruno! I'm from this moment on Carson Katherina DiMera!'" Sasuke said and Sakura looked down.

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