C H A P T E R 33

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I walked into Hayden's bedroom and found him at his desk with a look of worry on his face. I've gotten very aquatinted with that look.

He was probably working, then again when wasn't he? I saunter over to him and spin his chair around to face me. "Whatcha doing?" I ask obnoxiously.

He smiles up at me, and as I look into his eyes my heart warms with the love and admiration he has when he looks at me. And I can only assume I have that exact same look as I stare into his piercing blue eyes.

"Work baby, it's never ending." He pulls me down onto his lap and I giggle as he kissed my neck. I couldn't help it since it tickled.

"Well take a break, I'm bored." I pout and his infamous smirk appears. "You are very distracting. You know that right?" He says. "I'll take that as a compliment." I respond.

He hums and stands up suddenly, "Why don't we go to bed, I'm fucking exhausted from dealing with these dicks all damn day." He tells me, his language never failing to surprise me.

I slap his arm and he doesn't even flinch, he only looks at me with that stupid smirk. "Language Leon, I'm a child of God." I joke.

He throws his head back and laughs humorously, we both fall onto this bed and I lean up against him as his arm comes around me pulling me close to him gently. He sighs in satisfaction and I smile as I look up at him.

His eyes already looking into mine I feel my face heat up as a million things pop into my head. Should I speak? Kiss him? Ask him about work? He hates talking about it to me.

"Sing for me Jazz." He whispers and his fingers trace lines on my temple and forehead.

"What should I sing?" I whisper and my eyes flutter closed for a moment as his fingers continue to trace lines against my face. His hands are cool against my hot skin. "The one from the night at the church, I liked it.."

I grin as the memories of that night flow, "You mean before the gun shots started? Right?" I ask sarcastically. He rolls his eyes, "Yes before the shots started.."

I sit up and gently lay Hayden's head in my lap as I comb my fingers through his hair I begin to sing.

" If I could hide you under my cape tuck you away in my suitcase, when you get tired of being alone anywhere but here is home. It's not in your deal, when you say when I will, leave behind the world...."

When I look down at Hayden his eyes are closed and his breathing is even and steady I giggle, I couldn't even get through the song. "I love you, always and forever." I whisper in his ear instead.


My head is throbbing and I look around disoriented and confused as I see Logan holding a gun in his hand and his phone in the other pressed against his ear.

My hands begin to tremble and my tongue feels almost numb, did that asshole drug me?

My mind begins to wander and suddenly I remember the lie Logan had fed me before my black out. "Hayden...Logan please wh-where...?" I stutter and my eyes close once more.

Meant to be // Bad Boy Good Girl LoveWhere stories live. Discover now