C H A P T E R 32

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I flinch as I hear a gun shot being fired through out the house, I turn around slowly and peak behind the wall to see what the hell just happened, my hands were a bit shaky but I knew I was safe, Hayden would never let anything happen to me.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Hayden's voice suddenly booms through out the house, my heart rate picks up and my palms begin to sweat. What if he killed someone?

I steal a glance again holding my breath as I look and take in the scene before me, Paul is being lifted from the ground and my eyes widen when I see blood dripping down his leg. Hayden shot him, at least he isn't dead though, right?

Everyone heads to the door in silence and when I see some of the girls emerge to see what's going on some of the men glare and mutter a few curse words to get them to stop asking. Once everyone is gone I let out a breath of relief, he didn't kill anyone thank god. I crane my neck a bit more to see what Hayden is doing but me being the clumsy child that I am loose grip of the wall making me fall in the process.

I groan and rub my butt, my butt is sensitive this is too many times in one day that I fall on it. In my defense I was pushed the first time.

When I look up Hayden is looking at me cautiously. As if I had scared him a bit, "I um- I was just- I mean.." I stand up and look at him cautiously as he walks towards me, "How much did you see?" He whispers and looks at me almost ashamed.

"I saw enough, you shouldn't have shot him that was unnecessary." My voice comes out small and weak almost, he scared me, I don't like when he gets angry, he's not the same man he is when the anger takes over.

"He was being a dick..." I stay silent after his comment and look at the ground, although I can feel his gaze on me.

"I was going to tell you Jasmine, I just wanted to find out who it was first, you don't have to be scared because I won't let anything happen to you, you should know this by now." He reaches out and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, his hand barely touching my skin, where usually he would let his hand rest there for a moment admiringly as he stared into my eyes.

"I just felt...helpless finding out from them rather than you, I trust you."

He smiles, "I know baby, and I'm going to find whoever it is, that's a promise." I should feel relief by his words, I knew he would say this, because he loves me and I love him. But I was also smart enough to know that this wasn't just a bump in the road like your average high school relationship, this stuff was real. Something out of a romantic novel I would read almost every day.


"You're teacher called Jasmine, asking me why you haven't been to choir?" My mom brings up as I grab a granola bar from the counter. I freeze but remain calm as I turn around and shrug lightly, "I was busy, I'll be there today."

She nods, "Right, I also was wondering why you haven't turned in your application for LE. fine arts again?" I remember how just last summer I was ready for Lees fine arts school in New York. They accept very few high school students and I was one of 10 in the district last year.

"Um, I'm not sure about that I think I might want to apply to other schools as well. Maybe one that focuses more on academics? You know?" I say nonchalantly, "exploring my options".
She raises her eyebrows in surprise.

Meant to be // Bad Boy Good Girl LoveWhere stories live. Discover now