C H A P T E R 7

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I slam the book closed and sigh in frustration. The book wasn't the problem, the problem was the blue eyed boy kept creeping into my mind. I run a frustrated hand through my hair and smile as a girl my age meets my eyes but she just rolls her eyes and turns the opposite way.

Well then.

I put my head down on the table sadly. I need friends I felt lonely and bored, I didn't have anyone to talk to and give me advice on the whole Hayden being in a fucking gang situation!

I feel a light tap on my shoulder and my head snaps up and I come face to face with Dan. I relax then smile slightly at him.

"You should go home. I have to leave something's come up and you shouldn't be out alone." He says and looks anxious to leave.

"What happened? Is Hayden okay?" I ask worriedly as I'm already standing to leave.

He shakes his head. "You need to go home, Hayden is fine." He says and walks away. I chase after him but it's hard to keep up with my little legs.

"Dan please just take me too see him!" I say and hold onto his arm to keep him from walking any farther.

He smiles a bit but shakes his head. "I don't think that's a good idea he's not in the best state right now." He says and gives me a sympathetic look.

"I'm not moving from this spot till you take me to see him." I state and cross my arms then sit on the floor in protest.

He raises his eyes brows and tries to get me to stand up but me being the stubborn girl I am stand my ground, well in this case sit.

"Fine, I'll take you to see him. But don't say I didn't warn you." Dan finally gives in and lifts me off the ground with ease throws me over his shoulder and I smirk in victory.

"Thanks Dan!" I say in between my laughter. I feel him shake his head, an amused look on his face.

We walk to his car and I hop in and immediately turn on the radio. He drives off, his laughs filling the car when ever I belt out the lyrics to the songs blasting through the speakers.

At one point Dan sings along with me as well and I laugh uncontrollably. I didn't think he even knew who The Weekend was!?

I guess Dan is my friend, is he? But I can't really talk to him about Hayden and the whole gang thing considering that he's part of it.

I lower the music down and turn around in my seat to face him. "Hey Dan" I say and he glances over at me. "Are we friends?" I ask him and suddenly feel childish. He laughs a bit.

"Yes, I guess we are." He says and I smile. "You're the first friend I've made since I've been here..." I say.

"What about Hayden?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't think he likes me very much..." I say quietly and look out the window as I see Hayden's house come into view.

Dan laughs again. I feel like everyone always laughs at me!

"Hayden likes you trust me or you wouldn't be around he's a very complicated guy..." Dan try's to explain to me.

Meant to be // Bad Boy Good Girl LoveWhere stories live. Discover now