C H A P T E R 28

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"No I don't think so, Hayden will kill me if I leave her alone." Brian interferes his stance becoming tense.

"What do you care?" I spit out still angry from his previous words. He had no right to tell me those things, he was being an asshole for no good reason. I have done absolutely nothing to affect him.

Logan steps in slowly, "It's alright Brian, I wouldn't hurt her." Brian shrugs and leaves the room.

"What are you doing here Logan? I thought you weren't part of this whole gang mess?" I ask sounding a little displeased to know he's been getting himself in this whole mess.

"I heard about your grandmother, I'm sorry for your loss." He comforts me.

I nod slowly, "Yeah me too.." He pulls me in for a hug, I bury my face into his chest and shut my eyes to keep my tears at bay.

"What are you doing here?" Hayden's voice fills the room and I quickly pull away, I clear my throat as I see Hayden's cold stare on my every move.

"I just stopped by to give Jasmine my condolences." Logan states his face neutral. Hayden nods and walks over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist as he turns to his brother curiously.

"What do you need?" He asks.

"I just came to see if you'd -" Hayden interrupts Logan and steps forward menacingly.

"No, stop with the bullshit, you've despised the fact that I'm in a gang since I was 16? Why change that now?" Hayden asks genuinely curious.

Logan doesn't even flinch or have a hint of nervousness on his chiseled face. "I guess you could say people change, and they change for the better..." Logan says mysteriously and I scrunch my nose at his response.

The fuck does that mean?

Hayden however just steps back, "What's up?" Well at least they're getting along but there is something in Hayden's face giving off a weird vibe to his newly reborn brother.

"I've got some information, don't ask how or why, but it could do you some good..." Logan says looking at us both thoughtfully as he pulls out a note from his jacket.

Hayden pulls it out and reads it carefully, his eyes show no expression. I stand on his tippy toes and try to get a good look but with my height it was impossible.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing but a wake up call." Hayden says mostly to himself, I scrunch my nose once again.

"Thanks Logan." Hayden says in a clipped tone but I know he means it.

"Do I get to see?" Hayden shakes his head, "No, but I do have some stuff to show you."

Logan nods, "You'll need to learn how to defend yourself now."

"I do, Hayden showed me how to use a gun." I state proudly.

"No baby he means fighting." Hayden clarifies and I automatically feel weak and small.

How do they expect me a 5'4 tall girl who weights 121 pounds to talks down highly trained men who might I add kill people for a living.

"You'll be fine I will show you the basics then Matt can help as well, he's a pro." Hayden says calming my nerves.

"But are you sure you want to do this now?" Hayden his voice unsure as he refers to my grandmothers passing.

I needed to tough this out, it's what she would have wanted. I nod reassuringly and take his hand, "I'm ready."

He then turns to Logan, "Well you coming or what since your now apart of this I guess we could make room do you..." Hayden try's to look uninterested and tough but I know he's nervous about his brothers involvement now.

"Yeah of course." Logan says and I send him my best smile.

Time for work.

"Great, you're a natural." Hayden compliments when I block one of his attacks.

"Now if I were to come up from behind you like this..." He wraps his arms around my chest his front pressed against my back as his breaths puff on to my neck.

"What do you do?" He asks, I smirk and flip my self around then smash my lips to his, "I'd do that." I state as I pull away.

"Well you'd better hope I'm not there to catch you." He whispers in my ear.

His hand trails down my back and I feel shivers run down my spine as he caresses me in the most loving way.

He leans down and kisses me softly one more time and as he pulls back he brushes a strand of my hair out of my face.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried as he looks conflicted and fidgety.

"It's just right now looking at you I've realized that I won't ever look at any other girl the way I look at you, because you're my new image of perfection."

It's as if the wind is knocked out of my lungs, he's never shared anything so personal like that with me.

"I love you Hayden." I whisper as I look into his blue eyes, my heart speeds up and my mind races hoping he'll say those there beautiful words back that would make any girl go weak.

"And I love you."

I smile to wide that my face starts to hurt and Hayden does the same as he lifts me off my feet I fill the room with my laughter.

"HAYDEN PUT ME DOWN!" I scream as a giggle escapes at the end.

"I'll never let you down." He says seriously as he gently places my feet on the ground.

"I know you won't."

I hope you enjoyed, I have some news I'll be going to Vidcon 2016 I know many of you guys love YouTube so if y'all are going message me and we can be besties! *kisses*

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