C H A P T E R 15

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I wipe my eyes quickly and come face to face with the familiar brown hair and piercing green eyes.

He puts his gun down and takes a few steps forward and I unintentionally take a few steps back.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, are you okay?" He whispers.

I nod and feel tears start to flow slowly again and I furiously blink them away.

"I thought you weren't part of the gang?" I ask him quietly.

My hands are still shaking but my heart rate has gone down. Thank god.

But why the hell was Logan here?

Not that I'm not grateful.

"My brothers in a gang, why wouldn't I carry around a gun?" He cracks a small smile.

He finally nears me when I don't flinch away and pulls me into a hug.

I don't hesitate and hug him back.

The man who attacked me is dead on the floor. My hearts clenches and I shut my eyes hoping the memory of him on the ground would disappear.

"Please, please tell me Hayden isn't dead..." I sob into his shoulder.

God I'm an emotional wreck.

He shakes his head.

"I don't know I haven't talked to him since the day I met you, like I said he doesn't like me very much..." He states.

I wipe my eyes and stand up straight.

"I'll take you too his house to see if he's there."


By the time Logan takes me too Hayden's place I'm not shaking but my mascara is smudged everywhere and my face is puffy and red.

I look like a mess.

My heart is pounding as I walk up the steps to the large house.

I'm afraid once I step in what the man told be will become reality. That Dan will tell me he died in some tragic shooting.

Oh god.

Think positive, I keep telling myself.

Logan knocks on the door and I watch patiently.

Usually I wouldn't have knocked but I'm not complaining.

As usual Dan answers the door.

"Jasmine, what happened?" He immediately asks me.

I sniffle and am about to answer.

"We need to see Hayden right now." Logan says sternly.

Dan nods and opens the door to let us in with no questions asked.

Meant to be // Bad Boy Good Girl LoveWhere stories live. Discover now