C H A P T E R 8

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Me and my grandma went out to lunch and then she decided to take me out shopping, at first I protested saying that I didn't need anything but she insisted saying she never gets to spoil me.

Once I step back inside I thank my grandma then go into my room to put away my things that I had gotten. A little bit of guilt inside me for letting my grandma spend money on me like that.

When I enter my room the window is once again open. That is the third time it's been open since the day I came home after seeing Hayden. 3 days in a row it's done this.

Maybe the lock is broken? Or maybe somebody has been in here while I've been gone?! But isn't Dan watching me?

Then it hits me. When I'm out and my mom and dad and grandma are home none of them are safe! Dan is only watching me. I look around the room and suddenly chills run down my spin when I notice that my jewelry box is opened.

I don't remember opening it. In fact I hardly ever wear jewelry. Shit.

Wait wait. Maybe I'm just reading into this too much. My palms start to sweat and I look to my phone sitting on the bed along with my bags. Call Hayden...

I can here my conscious tell me over and over.

I suddenly grab my phone and put it in my pocket then run into the living room to see it empty. I get the urge to roll my eyes. They left me again.

I search for the keys to my grandmas car since they left in my mothers. Finally I find them and sprint to the front door. I didn't feel safe here, even if Dan was watching.

Creepy but if it kept me safe.

I speed all the way to Hayden's house then stop in front and run to the door. I don't even bother knocking knowing it's open.

When I step inside I run to Hayden's office which I now know is the biggest one downstairs I sprint down the hall when suddenly I run into someone's chest. They grab my arms and gently push me away to look at my face.

"Jasmine what's wrong?" Hayden asks. I gulp and take a step back his eyes searching my face for any emotion I may be giving away.

"Um well you see-" I feel flustered and my face is slightly pink from embarrassment. I'm being dramatic.

"Spit it out." He says his eyes hard.

"I-I think someone's been in my house, more than once. I know it's sounds crazy but my window is always open and I noticed that some of my things were out of place...." I say really quickly I'm not even sure he understood. But by the looks of it he did.

He nods. "Ok you'll stay here then until I can figure this out..." He says and takes a step closer. I take a subtle step back but he notices and freezes. "Are you scared of me?" He asks seriously.

"No" Yes!

He nods once."Good, now you can stay here and I'll let you know when you can leave, I'll handle your parents." He says and I nod and bite my lip as I look down.

I felt like such a bother. I couldn't even protect myself. He probably thinks I'm weak, I'm not I don't think I am at least. I would never let someone take advantage of me and not stick up for myself. I try to be independent.

Meant to be // Bad Boy Good Girl LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora