C H A P T E R 20

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"So when are we going to meet this mystery friend?" My overprotective mom asks me that night while we silently eat our dinner.

My grandma peaks over at us in interest as does my dad.

I look down immediately, "Um I'm not sure that's a good idea..." I shove some food in my mouth to avoid any more questions.

"Why?" My mom says almost in a taunting tone as if she knows that I've been seeing a boy all this time.

I wouldn't doubt it.

"Because it's not like it's a boy mom and definitely not a boyfriend..." I retort.

She nods slowly taking a bite of her food.

My mom chats some more with my grandma while my dad quietly listens looking deep in thought and I well, tune them out.

I think of Hayden.

What else?

It's like he's invaded my mind, my airways, even my dreams. Everything.

Like a bad rash.

The doorbell rings abruptly and all eyes land on me.

"I didn't invite anyone over..." I say just as puzzled as they are.

But something tells me I should answer the door.

"Okay okay..." I mumble and get up to see who it is.

I peak outside through the peep hole and gasp.

"What are you doing here?" I ask annoyed and surprised that he showed up.

"Look Jasmine I just came to make sure you were okay?" He asks and looks genuinely worried about me.

I sigh and step outside, "Yeah I'm fine..."

He shakes his head and steps closer as he grabs my small hand in his big one, "Fine isn't an answer in my books..."

I look into his eyes, they sparkle, big blue and I never noticed the grayish tint they had in the light.

Truly beautiful.

"Well I'm breathing, if that's what you meant." I say in a terrible attempt to make a joke.

He cracks a smile, "I'm glad to hear that..."

"Look Hayden I should get back inside..." I say and look to the closed front door to my grandmas house behind me, then I awkwardly run a hand through my soft hair.

He nods, "Of course, right, when you're ready if you ever will be again, call me or you know where to find me..."

I nod once, "Alright, thanks Hayden..." I almost whisper.

He nods and I wonder why he's acting like this. Where are the sarcastic remarks and bad attitude?

"And Jasmine.." He stops me before I fully close the door.

Meant to be // Bad Boy Good Girl LoveWhere stories live. Discover now