42 ~Stretch the Truth~

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Celeste in the M.M

Celeste P.O.V

After the baby shower a couple of days ago Michael got the idea that I didn't want him around Jennifer anymore. He understood with out a fight so that was a good thing.

I invited Cynthia out for breakfast so we could go to my doctors appointment after.

Cyns been a real friend, since her fake friends left her. I honestly don't understand why. She's such a sweet clueless girl.


When we got to the resturant we ordered our breakfast right away.

"Can I get pancakes, and scrambled eggs please and thank you" I said to the waiter

He went over and asked Cynthia if she wanted anything but she denied him.

After we ate, we got up and headed to the hospital for my appointment. I was so glade to see my healthy baby. And for Cynthia to also see her new Godson.


Cynthia's P.O.V

We got to the hospital in time for her check up. The doctor had her lay down on the hospital bed while he did an ultrasound.

"Here is his head, his tiny feet over here. And hands-" the doctor said, pointing to the screen

"How far along am I Doctor?" Celeste asked him

"7 months along" the doctor grinned

"Ooh great" Celeste said

"Doctor are you sure it's 7 months?" I questioned him

"Yes, 23 weeks. she's near her 3rd trimester" he replied

Celeste chuckled "why are you questioning the doctor Cyn?"

"Well Jennifer is 8 months, and already in her 3rd trimester. You guys got pregnant at the same time" I said confused.

Then and there, Celestes face changed. I could tell she was hiding something from me. She had to be because this wasn't adding up. Michael got her and Jennifer pregnant at the same time. They should be the same number of weeks pregnant.

"Jennifer?" The doctor scratched his head

"Yeah Jennifer, Michael Adams baby momma. They already have a daughter, I believe she comes to this hospital." I said

"Ooh yes, Jennifer is 8 months. She's almost due, poor her. The baby is struggling and their going to have to make some serious decision together-" the doctor says before I cut him off

"We honestly don't care doctor. But is it possible for it to happen like that?" I asked him

"No, but we might have to run some test, if you would like to get Michael in here?" He said

I looked over at Celeste who still looked scared. Now I know something was up.


The doctor left the room, Cynthia was on some shit. It was like she was trying to accuse me of something but didnt know how to say it.

"So isn't it weird that you aren't 8 months. I mean Michael did fuck you, that same week right?" She questioned

  "What's your point!?" I asked sternly

She chuckled "my point is this doesn't add up Celeste. Can you tell me what's going on."

We sat in silence for about 5 minutes before I began to speak.

"Okay fine." I signed then continued "Michael isn't the father of this baby. Ray is. We did have sex but we used a condom, week after is when I had sex with RayShawn. I knew it was his, but I wanted Michael. So I told him the child was his. I didn't know he'd believe me but hey, Michaels kinda stupid. Ray never hit me up after we had sex. And I knew it would be like that through out my whole pregnancy if I said it was his."

  "So it's Rays?" Cynthia asked confused
"I guess so.." I mumbled

  "So why the fuck you ain't tell him. Your pinning it on Michael because?" She shouted

"Did I not just say the reason?" I uttered

"Well that's great!" She stood up

"How is that great?" I said confused

"Yasmina is with Ray" Cyn said

"WHAT?! I didn't know that" I yelled

"Well now you know. She was over at his crib yesterday. If she finds out about this-" Cynthia paced up and down the room

"She isn't going to find out because your not gonna tell her!" I said sternly

"Celeste.." She sighed

"Cynthia.." I sighed mocking her "it isn't that serious okay. No one will know it's Rays, and besides isn't he dealing with Loren. He has enough on his plate."


Cynthia's P.O.V

Celeste drops this major news on me and expects me not to tell someone! I'm not good at keeping secrets. But what she's doing isn't right. But hey, it isn't my business to say anything right?


Celeste P.O.V

When i got home, Michael was sitting on the couch waiting for some news. When ever I came back from my appointments I would tell him what the doctor told me, but today's a different story.

"How was it?" He asked

"Great. The babies healthy, and I'm almost at my 3rd trimester." I said

"That's great... I'm really exciting to have this baby with you Celeste. You don't know how much having a son means to me" he uttered

  "Yeahh.." I sighed

Now that I've told Cynthia. I can't help it but to think about how it would be if I told Ray the child was his.

But that's a whole different story, and I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get there.

Sorry for the late upload. More chapter coming soon!!!
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