9 ~FamBam~

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Mary,Simon,Aliyah in the M.M

Lorens P.O.V

   My parents Mary and Simon Wilson were going to be here any minute with my not so little sister Aliyah. They were in town for the weekend and decided to spend the day at my house. I was actually really excited to see them. So much was going on and I think Valerie and I needed some close family members with us.

    "Mommy when is grandma and auntie Aliyah coming" Valerie said
   "They'll be here soon" I replied

Valerie knew that Simon wasn't my real dad and that he was my stepdad. I still told her to call him grandpa because he was Aliyah's dad and I didn't want to confuse her at such a young age.

    I had breakfast made and ready for them when they got here. Aliyah's favorite was heart shaped pancakes. Probably not anymore cause she think she grown now. My moms was an Amulet with dark coffee on the side. Simon never ate anything I made so I didn't bother making anything for him.


I heard the car pull up In front of the house. They were finally here!

   "Aliyah!" I yelled jumping on her since she was the first one to enter the house
   "Lorenzo!!" She screamed hugging me back She liked to call me that when we were younger. When ever she hadn't seen me in a long time she just thought it was okay to call me that.

   "Hey baby" my mom said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek
   "Hey ma!" I hugged her back

"My baby Val!!" Aliyah semi yelled picking up Valerie

  "Hey Simon" I said awkwardly hugging him
   He barley hugged me back, but that was okay because our relationship was awkward like that. Simon wasn't really a father to me growing up. He was more like getting my mom pregnant, leaving and coming every other month to pick up Aliyah.

"How's my grand baby doing" my mom said putting Valerie on her lap
"good gwandma" Valerie replied
"Hello Val" Simon said pinching her cheek
"Hi Gwandpa" Valerie smiled
I gave her a look to stop talking like that. She knew how to pronounce words very well at her age and I didn't know why she was pretending that she didn't know how to say grandma and grandpa.

"K y'all i made you guys your breakfasts, and Simon I knew you weren't gonna eat so I didn't really make you anything.." I said
"That's fine Loren, you know me so well" he patted my shoulder
My mom and Aliyah ran to the kitchen to eat.


Few hours later:

   "Yooooooo Donate these close to Aliyah's closet foundation" Aliyah Envied me looking through my closet
   "Aliyah you shop everyday with your King pin of a drug dealer father" I emphasized

A: I know right! But still I like your style

Me: thanks sis

A: so I slept over Rodney's house the other day and mom was looking for me and making a big fuss- did I tell you she even called the cops-

Me: wait-wait Rodney the boyfriend for this week or last weeks?

A: last weeks

  My sister was a hoe I swear! She gets it from me. I was freaky when I was a teenager. Fucking niggas day after day, that all changed though when I met King and had Valerie.

A: but I think he's a keeper Loren, like I love him but there's something telling me not to, you know?

Me: I'm in the same situation girly

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