37 ~ decisions decisions~

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Jennifer in the M.M

Jennifer's P.O.V

Today's my doctors appointment to check on the baby. He's growing so fast that I think the doctors even said he was gonna come a little early.
I obviously didn't want to go on to the appointment alone, so I called Michael to come along so he could control Chelsea because I was taking her.

I got dressed and dressed up Chelsea too. I texted Michael to be here within 30minutes and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I then got a call from Loren

Me: what's up?

L: nothing just thought I would call you.

Me: I have my doctors appointment today

L: damn, you going with Michael right?

Me: yea. I called him He's coming

L: okay, tell me what happens when you get back. Love you

M: love you too.

Loren was really the only family I had here in California. Other than my brothers who I don't really talk to. My parents are all on the east side. When I told them I was pregnant, I got nothing else but a congrats. I don't really relay on them cause it was usually just me and Michael. But now it's just me.


Michael finally picked me up and we headed to the hospital. I haven't seen Michael for about 2 months now, so seeing him was kind of weird.

"How you been?" He asked me out of the blue
   "Great" I replied coldly
"How's Chelsea been?" He asked trying to hold a conversation with me. I was far to annoyed to even reply. Then his phone rang. Chelsea was sleeping and it was really loud, it didn't look like he was gonna answer it so I took matters into my own hands.

"Hello" I said answering the call
   "Jennifer who is it!?" He asked me
I laughed listening to the voice on the phone. This bitch really had the nerve.
   "You gonn' tell me who called" Michael said confused

I then hung up throwing the phone in the back.
"It was your girlfriend, she said Hii" I laughed
   I could tell he was lost in words. Probably thought I was gonna be angry, but really I had no time to be thinking about him and Celeste.

20 minutes later

We arrived at the hospital. Michael picked up Chelsea From the backseat and we headed in.
     The doctors called us as soon as we got there. We were right on time. I was told to Lie down on the hospital bed.
Seeing Chelsea siting on Michaels lap, just made me miss those days Being with him. Now I'm bringing another healthy little baby into the world.

3 hours later

Michaels P.O.V

I left the hospital room not to long ago. I couldn't watch Jennifer cry. It was just to much, I had to bring Chelsea to Celeste because she couldn't stay in the hospital. I stayed in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out and tell me what was happening.
   I know it was selfish to leave Jennifer in there alone at a time like this, but I couldn't stand to see the one I love in so much pain.

"Mr Wright" the doctor shouted coming my way
"How is she?" I asked concerned
He took a deep breath then spoke "she isn't handling it so well, I advice you to go in there-"
"I can't!" I blurted out
"Michael she's in desperate need of you right now" he uttered

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