40~His momma likes me better~

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Ray & Loren in the M.M

Lorens P.O.V

Phone convo:
Me: Okay RayShawn I understand, I'll be ready by 1

R: alright. Thanks Loren

I ended the call at that point. Ray wanted me to go with him to his mothers. I actually like that lady. She was so nice to me and Val, she cared so much about me. If I've eaten, slept, worked and even showered.
  I heard she was sick and wasn't really getting any better. I would defiantly want to go visit her.

  I got in the shower for about 20 minutes then got out and started getting dressed. I wore a black tank top with blue ripped jeans and my black fury coat.

"Where are you going?" Jennifer asked me entering the room

"Out with Ray"

"Seriously Loren?" She said in disappointment which made me laugh
   "I can't go out with my friend?" I questioned

"After what happened the other day, I don't even know why you guys are still friend" she said

I ignored her comment and continued getting dressed.


Rays P.O.V

I was on my way to pick up Loren so we could head to my moms crib. I heard she's been getting worse. And that kinda hurts a nigga, I love my momma and I've neglected her long enough. But if she's about to leave me and my nieces, I gotta do everything I can to make her happy.

30 minutes later I got to Lorens house. I beeped the car horn for her to get out.

"Sup ma" I said as she got into the passengers seat

"Hey" she replied with a smile

I laughed looking at her hair "what's up with the blood. You going white girl on me Loren?"  I asked her

"I like the blond. I've had it since I can from Arizona" she said

"Oh alright"

Lorens P.O.V
"I like the blond. I've had it since I came from Arizona" I said

"Oh alright" he replied.

I really wanted to get to knows rays family more. Maybe since we were going to his moms he would at least tell me a little about them.

"So, you know you never really opened up to me about yo family. What's up"

His eyes widened "what you wanna know"

"Um, I don't know. Where's Your siblings? Who's taking care of your mom? Who's watching your Nieces while your mom is sick?" 

"Well to be honest with you Loren, ion know where my half siblings are. One of them have to be taking care of my. But when ever I'm over there, they not. They just don't wanna see me. And that's fine because I don't wanna see them!" He said angrily

"What about your dad" I uttered

"Fuck that nigga! Who gives a fuck  about him" he said furiously

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