21 ~20th Birthday Bash~

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They all in the M.M

2 Days Later.

Lorens P.O.V

Tonight was Aliyah's Party. We was all ready to Turn upp, there was no complication planning the party.  Just cause I didn't plan it, Brian did. Ray came over to help me get ready, I know it's probably weird but that nigga can dress. He gives me the best fashion advice

  "Nah, that's ugly. Trash it now" he blurted out

"Nooooo" I pleaded "I got this when I was pregnant with Valerie" I sighed thinking about the situation that accrued at the time

  "That should make you want to trash it, why would you want to keep such a bad memory" he uttered

    "Yea yea, whatever" I chuckled throwing the dress at him "so you taking Me to the party tonight?" I noticed him smiling

"Yes definitely, I could only be seen with pretty bitches. You know what i mean" he licked his lips

  "Hmmm" i smirked


Aliyah's P.O.V

Today was my birthday Bash!!!!! I was so excited when Brian told me everything was ready. I had my dress made and sent to me from Paris, having a makeup artist fly in from New York, everything was perfect

"Happy Birthday to my Princess, Happy Birthday to you." Brian sang coming into the room
"Thank you baby" I kissed him
"I love you Aliyah" he kissed me back

We fell on the bed together.
"Babe, we could get busy until the party starts" he said kissing my neck

He slowing went down, kissing my stomach and went lower. "Babe, not todayyyy" I moaned

"But I want you" he pleaded taking off my pants
"Brian!" I shouted

"What ever,  fuck it!" He shouted getting up angry

I really wasn't trying to do anything with him. I'm like trying to change my ways now, what am I kidding, I got him tonight😏


Rays P.O.V

Trey and I were at the Trap house. They were loading things in so it was urgent  for us to be there. I brought Yasmina with me cause I didn't want to leave her home alone, pulse I was supposed to drop her off at her friends crib for the weekend.

    "iightt y'all, the packages all came in. The boss need his money though  so we still got work to do" Trey said to all the niggas.

  We left the room and went into our bosses office where we worked too
    "Ray you riding with me to Aliyah's party" Trey asked me
  "Yea bro" I replied

"Who's Aliyah?" Yasmina asked me

   "Lorens little sister" I responded

"Oh, okay so I'm coming with you right?" She pouted

I didn't know how to say no to her sexy ass. She sat on my lap facing me, and kissed my lips

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