Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up. My body shaking. I felt cold water touch my face. I coughed and spat up the water. I looked up and saw my brother. He was frowning down at me while holding a bucket.

"That's your shower." He said throwing the bucket into the grass.

I whimpered in pain when my neck was stiff. I didn't sleep well. The cold water was hardly any effect on me. I was use to it by now.

He growled when I ignored him. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head. He smiled. "Good. Cause your not allowed to eat. Till I say so."

My eyes met the ground. He pulled me up to my feet and took me inside. When I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother and father. They never left their eyes from the table. He tightened his grip and I shimmered in pain. My father met my eyes. All I saw was anger and hate towards him... My brother.

I forced a smile, but he shook it right off.


My body shook, "I-I-I'm sorry... Big brother."

He sighed and forced me forward.

"Go change. Now."

I did the walk of shame. In my head I told myself. 'Dead man walking.' Dead woman at that. I went into my room and dried myself off. When I was done changing I went straight downstairs. I saw brother leaning against the doorway. His arms crossed and he was pissed off.

I swallowed a deep lump in my throat and stepped down the last step. He glared at me. I held my head down and walked out the front door. I went straight to his car and sat in the passenger seat. He hadn't spoken once.

He locked the front door and got into the car. He sat there silent not starting the car.

I knew what was coming, but I didn't know when. He grabbed onto my hair and hit my head against the airbag case. My head rickashed forward to back. He held my head downward gripping even tighter.

"I'll only tell you this once... Not again. Stay away from him... I don't want you near him, I don't want to see you with him... I don't want you to have anything to do with him! Nor any other guy! GOT IT!?"

Tears fell from my eyes, "I-I-I promise... I-I won-"

He forced me to face him, "SWEAR TO ME! I WANT YOU TO SWEAR TO ME!"

I chocked, "I-I-I pro-" He gripped tighter. I whimpered as tears fell from my eyes. "I-I swear... I swear I won't have anything to do with him... Nobody... Only you... Only you, brother..." My head was spinning.

He smiled and released me. He kissed me on the forehead and started the car. I was crying the whole time. I hated this... I hated him... I don't want this anymore... I can't take this anymore...

When we arrived at school. I stepped out the car and walked inside the school building. I went straight to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. There was a huge bruise on my cheek. The one my brother had slapped. A girl around my skin tone walked into the room with one of her friends.


She starred at me, "what?"

"Um... Could I... Borrow your make up...?" I asked embarrassed .

She starred at he friends then nodes her head, "sure."

"Thanks." I applied the make up and left the bathroom.

When I left the bathroom the bell rang. I hurried to class. When I entered the room I crawled on the floor to my seat.

The whole time for my first three classes I was daydreaming. Dreaming about him my life was before... Before I knew what my brother was. Before he treated me and our parents this way. Before... Before everything...

My abusive, obsessed brotherWhere stories live. Discover now