Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Nine: The Shining

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After leaving Alice Miller with the police, the Winchesters headed out of town. They discussed their father, and Dean finally joked about going to Vegas.

As they settled in for the long haul, it grew quiet. Dean's mind went back to Sam telling him he had nightmares and now they were occurring during daylight.

A feeling of panic went through him. What was he supposed to do? There was no point in calling Dad because he never answered. He wished he had someone he could talk to. Bobby? No, he didn't want to drag the man into this. Besides, if Dad knew he had told Bobby this? Dean didn't want to go there.

Reaching over, he turned on the music and allowed AC/DC to flood the car. Sam grumbled about the volume, but the older Winchester ignored him. At that moment, he needed the noise to drown out his thoughts and fears.

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