Chapter Seventy-Seven: Christmas Day

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Sammy was up early and came running upstairs screaming for Dean to come see. The blond stared at his little brother and wanted to turn over and go back to sleep.

"Dean!" The younger brother shook the sleepy one and yelled, "Gets up! Sanna has been here!"

"Wha...," Dean murmured and slowly rolled out of bed.

Following the younger boy, Dean noticed the Christmas lights on the tree twinkling. There were packages on the coffee table and in the stockings John had insisted that they hang on the wall.

Sammy was looking at the presents, while his brother went towards the kitchen where a light shown and the smell of coffee and donuts wafted on the air. John, Bobby, and the Harvelles were seated at the table.

Ellen smiled and told the boy, "Merry Christmas, Dean."

The baby in her lap was making happy gurgling sounds. Dean walked over to her and looked down at the dark eyes and blond hair.

"What's his name?"

"Her name is Joanna Beth Harvelle."

"A girl?"

"Yes, Dean...a girl," Ellen smiled.

"That's a lousy present," the boy murmured and walked back into the living room to enjoy Christmas with his brother.

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