Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Two: Dean and Bobby

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Bobby was awakened by Dean's feverish murmurings. He touched the boy's forehead and swore at the heat and perspiration.

"Damn it, Dean. What am I gonna do with you?" Bobby changed the bandage, gave Dean another injection of antibiotics and tried to get some water into him.

By late afternoon, Bobby took out is cell and called Pastor Jim. The two talked for over an hour. When the older hunter hung up, he was holding the phone number of a retired surgeon. The man helped hunters. He called him and told him the situation.

Forty minutes later, a knock was on the door. Bobby opened and saw a man in his mid-60s and an attractive woman in her early 40s.

"Bobby Singer?"

"That's me."

"I'm Robert McConnell. This is my daughter, Kelly."

"Come in, both of you."

The two visitors walked over to Dean and began a thorough examination. After about fifteen minutes, McConnell sent his daughter to their vehicle for two cases.

"He has dehydrated fast. I need to put him on an IV."

"How do you get the stuff if you're retired?"

"Kelly and I own the local ambulance company. She's a paramedic."

Bobby sat back and watched the two work on Dean. They wiped him down with a lukewarm wash cloth and Kelly inserted the IV and put him on a saline drip with a powerful antibiotic in it.

The three sat at the table and talked and drank coffee.

"I'd like to take him home, but there's the problem of his car."

"We can help. We came in an ambulance. I'll drive the car, Kelly drives the ambulance, and we'll follow you home."

The next morning, a gurney was moved into the motel room and Dean was carefully placed on it. They took him to the ambulance. Within fifteen minutes, the two caregivers and Bobby were in the vehicles and pulled out of the parking lot towards home.

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