Chapter One Hundred Seventy-One: Jail

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I apologize for taking so long between chapters. My pain level has been very high and depression and anxiety set in. I am doing better. My daughter, LadyLaran, on AO3,  is now betaing my stories, starting with this chapter. She will do mine and I will hers. Thank you for continuing reading this story. Remember commenting is so highly appreciated.

Dean sat in the room the officers had taken him to at the jail and stared at the blank walls. It had been two hours. He had no idea if Sam had gotten away. He had the keys to the Impala which meant his brother would have to hotwire her to finish their job.

The door opened. and an older man stuck his head inside and stared at him.

"Follow me," the officer said.

Dean considered whether cooperating was worth any merit. He doubted it but followed the man to an office where they spent the next hour. The sheriff interrogated him, and Dean was pretty sure he was lucky he didn't get his ass kicked.

When the man knew his name, the hunter began to worry. Seeing his father's journal worried him more. He knew he was being even cockier than he had been before the appearance of the book. His mind began to work overtime contemplating a means of escape.

A miracle happened. The phone rang, all the police were leaving t

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