Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Five: John Picks a Fight

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Dean walked into the house and listened to the silence. He took off his jacket and headed to Sam's room. Sam looked up from the bed. Dean tossed the letter to his brother and left the room.

John was nowhere in sight, so he walked into the kitchen with the thought of making a sandwich in his mind. He placed all the fixings on the table and sat down. At that moment, John walked into the room.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"I went to the post office and sat in the park for a while."

"You don't go anywhere without telling me."

"Dad, I'm twenty-two years old. I don't need to ask to go out for a while."

The older Winchester walked across the room and shoved the chair and Dean fell to the floor. He lay still for a moment, wondering just how bad the argument with Sam had been. Before he could move, John began to kick him. The first kick was in the diaphragm. Dean lost all the air in his lungs and rolled into a ball, gasping. His father kept kicking. One hit his kidney. Dean cried out. Sam ran into the kitchen and grabbed his Dad, pulling him away from the older son.

"You are under my roof and you will let me know where you are at all times. Do you understand me?"

Dean choked out a "Yes, Sir!"

The older man walked out of the house and they could hear his truck engine turn over.

Sam leaned down to check on his brother. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Sam. Why wouldn't I be?"

The younger son stared at his brother and sighed. He stood up and left the house. Dean lay there on the floor.

"What the hell am I gonna do?" he whispered.

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