Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Eight: Dean

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Dean stared at the paramedic in disbelief. He slowly moved his left hand down his body, looking for the wound.

"I don't understand."
Bobby and the doctor walked in and Robert went over to give Dean a thorough examination.

"If the wound is gone except for a damned scar, do you really think I need one?"

"Maybe you don't, but you had a major seizure from the drug reaction, so hell, yes. I'm going to give you an examination before I'll let you out of bed."

A pair of green eyes watched every move the physician did. McDonnell felt uneasy from the scrutiny but refused to let it hinder his work. He sighed and began to remove the IV.


"I can't find any sign of brain damage. You need an EEG but the odds of that happening are astronomical."

"Can I get up?"

Kelly came over and helped the hunter sit on the side of the bed. Dean realized he was clad only in his boxers.

"Bobby, can I have some clothes please?"

The older hunter headed upstairs to get some things out of the younger man's duffle. He returned and Dean took the clothes with a thanks and headed towards the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, he walked into the kitchen and asked for something to eat.

As he sat at the table, he looked at the doctor and asked, "How did I heal?"

"I would say it was a miracle."

"In my experience miracles never happen."

"Well, in your experience, one did."

Dean took a bite of the sandwich Bobby set in front of him and looked up at the other hunter.

"You got another hunt for me?"



"Not no, but hell no."

"I'll call Dad for one, Bobby. It's all right."

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